Clusterfuck Nation
KunstlerCast - Suburban Sprawl: A Tragic Comedy
KunstlerCast 383 --Truthophobia: How the Boomers Broke Journalism, with Graham Majin

KunstlerCast 383 --Truthophobia: How the Boomers Broke Journalism, with Graham Majin

Graham Majin was a broadcast journalist for 20 years, 14 at BBC News. His inside knowledge gives him a unique insight into how journalists think and how news is produced. He teaches journalism at Bournemouth University on the sunny south coast of England.  He has written about the concept of Journalistic Truth, about Donald Trump, Russiagate, fake news, misinformation and the history of journalism. Truthophobia: How the Boomers Broke Journalism is his first, full-length book. Find out more at

The KunstlerCast theme music is the beautiful Two Rivers Waltz written and performed by Larry Unger.

Clusterfuck Nation
KunstlerCast - Suburban Sprawl: A Tragic Comedy
James Howard Kunstler, author of "The Geography of Nowhere" and "The Long Emergency," takes on suburban sprawl, disposable architecture and the end of the cheap oil era each week with program host Duncan Crary.