A fine piece of work Jim. Too bad at the end you settle for keeping their extra constitutional fiefdoms intact. No! They have to go. DHS is a nightmare to freedom. CIA, FBI, NSA, etc., completely out of control and acting as defacto executive branch of US. They assassinate world leaders, (including our own), destabilize and destroy other countries and prosecute never ending wars to support their “defense” contractor benefactors, just for starters.

Let’s go back to founders vision of our Constitution.

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Exactly Mike, they have to go. Burn it/them down and start anew.

"We can’t pretend that nothing happened." ~ JHK

Amen, Jim. This is their intention - to keep pretending like nothing happened.

Ain't gonna happen.

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Hey Ron; you are not from Freeport NY are you?

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Yes. When they come for me, send them to Freeport, NY. ;-)

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Concur. No deals - raise the Black Flag of “No Quarter”.

One does not secure victory over evil by negotiating with it & allowing it to coagulate & come roaring back, you cut it out/crush it completely.

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While crushing it, you have to make it a spectacle, as well. A warning to others.

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Hanging is neither cruel nor unusual. It is very quick and makes a fine spectacle. For the condemned, it is far more merciful than the grotesque electric chair or lethal injection.

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Indeed. Thats why capital punishment has always been a spectacle. Causing pause to societal wannabe Walzes and Hillys, O’Bribems and other such Husseins doing High Treason.

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I have to add a correction. Jim did not advocate keeping extra constitutional agencies. He just stated that that is a likely deal that Trump would make.

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You're correct, Michael.

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5 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

What seems to be missing is that the Blob will not relent in its quest to take Trump down after he is elected. We witnessed four years of political warfare against the man followed by three and half years and continuing lawfare. I do not see them relenting.

On day one, Trump should demand the resignation of every US Attorney and rebuild from scratch. Another idea would be impeaching federal judges who have acted outside or on the margins of the law - like the FISA debacle.

There needs to be an accounting.

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I agree with getting rid of judges who have shredded the Constitution, but its never going to be accomplished through the justice system they have destroyed. Impeaching them won't work. Just take them into custody and deal with them as needed.

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That would be a start, anyway, albeit just a start.

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Like, What do you call a hundred federal bureaucrats on the bottom of the ocean?

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Should have said toxic waste.

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Youve im sure seen that meme with DJT pointing that says they are after you, im just in the way, thats part of whats going on, just look at the censorship etc, the trying to marginalize trad Americans and trad Families and Christians or other of the like. This is real

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The one thing Trump won't be able to do is to restore competence to government. The long dismal failure of our public educational system combined with wokeism is now ensuring that competence is not only rare but punished. Several ideas deeply ingrained in our culture have to go if we are to turn around. 1. Framed pieces of paper on our walls prove our competence. 2. Skin color is more important than competence. 3. People who get their hands dirty are incompetent peons. We need to turn around, and to misquote an old quote, hold that "competence isn't everything, it is the only thing". Rome failed to turn those things around, and beholding the deeply corrupted state of our whole country, I don't see us doing it either. Which means the end of freedom and plenty, and the increasing amounts of censorship, control, and scarcity.

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Well, get rid of the NEA and undercut the teacher's union, move money to charter schools--there are ways to abolish that beast. There are tons of competent teachers who have left the system, myself included, that might be willing to pitch in just for the chance to improve.

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You need to look for new work because the Tesla robot is the new teacher. For less than what it costs to send a child to school for one year, your child can have a private instructor, companion and protector. Our public education system is entirely worthless with 2/3rds of our 4th graders now functionally illiterate. Time to bulldoze the entire edifice down and punish everyone involved with it.

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Tesla robot teachers don't exist -- just one more fantasy from the religion of progress. For education of the near future, homeschool. Buy books, teach 'em to read, and get out of their way.

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I like the idea of studying the world’s best medical, educational, infrastructure systems etc. and replicating them.

How do the Chinese manage to be number one in STEM? Who has the best health care system with the best outcomes and patient satisfaction? How have the Chinese and Japanese managed to build their superior rail systems connecting all major cities? Etc.

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While we are at it the entire medical system needs to be cleaned up.

When nurses are leaving the bedside by the thousands due to insufficient pay and abuse in staffing etc. something has to be re-wired.

Doctors are now nothing but so many drone bees following corporate edicts that their corporate masters computers tell them is “acceptable”.

I am a retired nurse and there are hundreds of YouTubes posted by very unsatisfied nurses who have ditched the profession to work at Costco etc.

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You do remember DJTs last term dont you? With these entrenched bureaucrats bucking him at every turn, it will be that on steroids this time, IF we even get past the next change of power, my money is on it doesnt and thus will begin a reckoning.

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I would suggest there never was "competence in government", and the idea was that "government" should always be small, limited and kept, like a dog on a leash, not as its current form, a roving pack of wolves artificially enraged on the steroids of power and enormous wealth.

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The founding Fathers considered government to be a necessary evil and tried to design a structure to balance the power base to stop autocratic tendency of the power mongers. Nearly forty years of Deep State rule, since Reagan, has continued to whittle down the balance of power by making the Congress inept. Next step is making the SCOTUS feckless. Trump can slow down the encroachment I hope, but his real legacy is proving to enough of the US populace that socialism is NOT the way to go. Grooming the next president and grooming the Congress has to be high on his list.

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The government that is best, governs least, said Thoreau. .

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That implies a moral people, one that tithes to their Church and takes care of their own sick and crazy. Not a bunch of greed heads, whores, and whore mongers.

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Yup. “takes care of their own sick, crazy And kids.”

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Yes. Wealth gained from blackmail and bribery from our enemies, I might add.

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Agree, but you must be prepared for the consequences of Blacks going back to their true level as a race of manual laborers, not good ones either, mind you. Do we have the moral strength to admit that the opposition and the Old South were right and that the moral crusaders and the Union were wrong?


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James, sometimes the ship of state is so filled with rancid bilge that the pumps cannot empty the hold before the ship capsizes and sinks. A perspective most Americans cannot afford to consider as they desperately hold on to the last tiny bit of sanity still hiding somewhere in their propaganda riddled brains.

TDS is not the only derangement that Americans are suffering from. Like COVID, masks, the unvaxxed, etc. These folks cannot get over this without professional help, help that is never coming. And they are basically useless in the efforts required to right the ship of state into a functioning nation, because they can be triggered into another illogical fear at any moment.

Living outside the USA for 15 years gives me a perspective that is untainted by any need to justify why I remain in the failed morass called the USA. A perspective, I might add, that is invisible to those inside the country. There are those monetizing the end of the empire who see parts of the picture, but if the whole were to become visible, one simply cannot get out of the country fast enough.

In another perspective, if I were to meet you face to face, and I excitedly told you I was expatriating to a country and described it with the conditions existing in the USA, you could not get out of my presence fast enough.

Folks love to say that it’s the same everywhere, but that’s a lie. Ecuador may have its problems, but a government consisting of Ivy League educated psychopaths with unlimited resources, trying to kill me, is not one of them. There are more than a million American residing outside the USA, and we are doing just fine, with the biggest problems caused by the USA interference in one way or another.

Civilization ends when bad things do not happen to bad people—EcuadorExpat

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Its pretty clear that half of North America has gone crazy in the form of deluded/deranged Marxists. Their whole raison d’etre is to justify their deviation from reality. Ideally, reality is your friend, and you go through the jungle (life) brachiating from one crisis (test of survival) to the next, with a knowing smile on your face, content that you are succeeding in learning from your errors. Further, you respect your neighbours, engage that cute member of the opposite sex, procreate and enjoy Life Everlasting in our heaven on earth. Not so the mentally ill.

There (insanity), reality is a scolding parent, a hateful nanny; YOU know, and they don’t, and if only your magic was not thwarted by a stern God you could smite your enemies and manifest your destiny. With enough deviance, you can literally watch a different movie on your internal projection screen (consciousness) from the rest of benighted “useless eaters”. Plus, you can engage in delusion and even hallucination to make others wrong so that you can be right. There is no person more “right” than a dangerous schizophrenic.

Thus, it has always been, and in the past such deviation from what works was eventually taken care of by the Law of the Jungle. Unfortunately, feminist notions of civil conduct forbids capital or even corporal punishment. Since the “stick” is bad (a defect of the patriarchy), the “carrot” of animal motivation must be good: and modernity is all about drowning in a sea of carrots. With such a severe deviation from God’s plan, we set off in the wrong direction and repentance is just a quaint notion from a bygone era.

That, to my mind, is a thumbnail sketch of our evil current reality. Add the automaton of Artificial Intelligence to mendacious political power, and good men doing the Lord’s work start to question their reward. The message from our ancestors is that “virtue is it’s own reward”. Therefore reap what you sow, and ignore the tempests of adversity, except insofar as they hone your craft and build your character; you will be a more contented agent of good. In other words, do what works; don’t do what doesn’t work.

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Think of what God did at the Tower of Babel when man started thinking he was equal to God. Isn’t AI, and genetic engineering getting to that point again.

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How are things day to day in Ecuador?

When the Mexican embassy thing happened with Jorge Glas, I watched a YouTube that featured an appearance by former President Mahuad Witt. The most interesting feature was the comments. I see why he had to flee the country.

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When Justin Bieber moves back to Canada, I'll think about doing the same.

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Maybe The Kamal will also move back?

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Old Testament justice must be part of President Trump's agenda. Otherwise, those who have worked so assiduously to destroy this nation will believe that his reelection is just a temporary setback, and reinforce the infrastructure for continuing to do so as soon as possible.

The problem, of course, is that going after these bastards is extremely dangerous, as JFK illustrated. I doubt that Mr. Trump has a martyr complex, and would not like to see him sacrificed but, to be unsparingly realistic, a successful assassination would be more likely than not. In that unwanted event, a President Vance might be about the best scenario that the US could hope for: a highly intelligent, capable leader who recognizes Class War as the eternal issue for America and might actually strive to restore the working classes.

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Yes, Vance cares about the White working class. That's why he went native and wants to import millions of his adopted people to replace us.

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Hmmm, do I think we will get less immigrants, including Indians, if we elect Kamala? Nope. Many many more.

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Yes, she'll take us over at ninety and Trump will take us over the cliff at the speed limit. Legally! But o'er the cliff is o'er the cliff, you see.

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Howard, the panel investigating the attempted assassination has told the USSS that Trump is still a target and needs thorough coverage.

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The attacks on Trump, were, as he has indeed pointed out, attacks on US. These cannot be "painted over". The left MUST LEARN that lawfare and a police-state like spate of early morning raids work both ways. Do it to them. And then burn these entities down to the ground. There are no good people in our triple letter agencies. IRS, CDC, FBI, CIA.....all must go, forever. They are malignant tumors in our country. Give no quarter until a hard lesson is indelibly etched in the memories of these would be tyrants.

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Iran is chasing Trump? Easy, tell them if they succeed, Teheran is destroyed. No questions asked.

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I was referring to the lawfare and other assorted efforts to keep him from running or being elected.

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So long as The Federal Reserve is allowed to exist, nothing much will change. Our govt is owned/controlled by The Fed. Reckless & destructive monetary policy is at the root of every single problem facing this country. The Fed's enforcement arm is the MIC. As very wise man likes to say, "when all else fails, they take us to war".

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I predict that if Trump wins his four years will be a repeat of his first term. He’ll be under siege every bloody day even from his own party. The Media will never acknowledge any of his achievements even if he cured cancer

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3 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

I rather agree with you. If anything will be done or things change, it will be by the people’s hand.

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They'll say Biden did it first. From his chaise lounge on Rehoboth Beach.

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"The deal will be for them to cooperate in the prosecution of certain key figures in exchange for not demolishing their agencies altogether. Some of these people — Garland, Mayorkas..."


The blob will never sacrifice their own (namely Garland and Mayorkas). And that's kinda sad because these two rabid Zionists have caused more damage to America than any 100 before them.

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According to Mark Halperin in his recent interview with Tucker Carlson, a good portion of the Marxist electorate will become psychotic (even suicidal) should Trump win. Let's do all we can to help them find the most effective mental health institutions or Soylent Green solutions to meet their needs (and ours).

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As ad advisory to everyone here, the DOD recently (September) released a memo that authorizes US troops to use lethal force against Americans. This in anticipation of the rioting and looting coming our way if Trump wins. However, my cynical self says that this lethality will be used instead against those citizens trying to defend themselves and their homes. Kyle Rittenhouse set the precedent, and they can't have ordinary Americans getting away with self-defense when someone is trying to kill them.

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The directive is to be used against anyone challenging the election results when Trump loses. There is a law in the works to prevent Trump from using the military against the (FBI supported) BLM and ANTIFA mobs which will be deployed if he wins.

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What ever the facts are surrounding this directive Biden and Harris and Co. obviously support, it is highly suspect that NO ONE in the MSM is covering this!

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Dr. Shotgun might be the only psychiatrist they'll listen to.

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Unless they think everyone handles a firearm like Timmy Walz.

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These Marxists will soon be acting out in a neighborhood near you.

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My advice: Don't bury all your Marxists in one construction site.

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Shoot, shovel, shut up…as one old farmer on a tractor advised of dealing with an enemy…Marlboro behind the ear and packing a big side arm. So to speak…

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Spread the wealth.

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"Freedom Riders" make good fill for a dam. Maybe we've solved all of our infrastructure problems.

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I'm with you on what should happen Mr K, but the record shows that "The Blob" doesn't make deals, they give ultimatums. And merely prosecuting agency heads ain't gonna cut it either. The rot in DC runs MUCH, MUCH deeper than that. Cut off the many heads of the venomous snake, and it will all too quickly grow others, possibly even more venomous.

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Only a 12-kiloton nuke can cure the beltway.

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Amen sister! I hope to find that you’re a neighbor of mine…it’s going to get bad.

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I know. But I'm ready. And in the words of that private in the movie Full Metal Jacket, I'm salty.

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Yes, it's martial law or nothing. Go all in or don't bother.

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In the movie Reagan, he stated during the attempted communist takeover of the actors unions in Hollywood:

“Democracy is strong enough to hold off the attempts of communism to take over.”

I wonder what he would think today.

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Trump will likely not be given a pass to win again, unless the goal is to unleash the BLM/Antifa/DEI hordes to destabilize city centers around the country after his election. This would be done to drive the point home that he and his supporters are not welcome, and the blatantly-intentional mayhem that occurs will serve as self-fulfilling proof to the losing 50% that his election would indeed be "dangerous" for the country.

One thing is for sure - Trump best beware his usage of a perceived mandate if he does win. I wouldn't want him to cave on important reorganization, but if he does go the mandate route, he'll need to go all out to make anything stick. Most people will not like this method on either side, and will use any notable shake-up actions as proof that he truly does want to be a dictator (which is Grade A bullshit).

In three weeks, thinking Americans will either be left feeling dejected and stuck with a complete moron (Harris, who will absolutely mandate the shit out of us for the foreseeable, as she's quite used to being on the "winning team" and acting accordingly with impunity)...or will be turned on by half of the country who will condescendingly and naively claim moral superiority as they are wont to do, to make life hell for the next four years. I don't like either option.

In the unlikely event that the Harris ticket is flushed down the memory sewer, watch for the Dems to immediately and relentlessly claim fraud for four straight years (again...just like Hillary did before Trump did, which no Dem seems to recall).

Projection...thy name is Politics. This used to be one hell of a country.

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Always enjoy your posts and angst as you write. But I disagree that we need to get down to business and leave the political criminals of woke alone or bring them into the camp. They have committed treason against the people. We are the targets of their death agenda. There is no justice if we do not see it swiftly.

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Justice that is not coming, I might add. Because the justice Americans want requires an investigator, an arresting officer, a prosecutor, a judge, and a warden or executioner. All with impeccable integrity. If one of these levels is corrupted, there is no justice. A chain which simply no longer exists in the USA.

Corrupt people cannot eliminate corruption, the best they can do is replace it with their own version of corruption.

The USA is going to violence before this is over. As soon as Trump shuts off the money to these illegals all hell will break loose. These folks did not make the effort to get here just to have their d*cks stuck back in the dirt of the poverty they were escaping from.

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Amen. But these are not merely people escaping poverty. These are minions, soldiers for the “private army” O spoke of. Paid voters, being armed by someone when you and I must go through checks to buy a gun. Aurora is only one city. Ready to kill us and take our property. Amen to ‘all hell will break.’

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Well said, Miriamnae. You are a true Myrmidion.

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You got it. This is a global effort to destroy the USA or at least cripple it. I have used the King of the Mountain game we played as kids to demonstrate what is motivating the world powers. The world powers, in a solid design are attacking the USa by infiltration and doing it by sections. Chinese, west coast, Latin America, Texas and the SW, Muslims, rust belt,etc. In the past, the goal was to assimilate into America. No longer, they are building up political demographics to eventually split the country into pieces. No WW3 needed, no nukes. Just US government stupidity, if favorable, or US government treason, the more likely answer.

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Not only does Trump want to deport illegal aliens, the other day I saw him saying he wants to deport any Americans who do not support Israel! Anyone who speaks out against the Gaza genocide is “anti-Semitic”.

The truth is that there are thousands of college students who are Jewish and many Hasidic Jews who are anti-Zionist, obviously not anti-Semitic.

Trump needs to get his story straight on this one. Anti-Zionism is NOT anti-Semitic.

P.S. If he deports me please make it Russia.

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I really don't see them "coming into our camp," anyway. Reconciliation is just not possible at this point.

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The squabbling dogs unite when the wolf shows up. We need Aliens! Or Iranians.....

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this is for all the marbles.

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The three layers.... red meat for those who resent, rightfully so, what the US ruling class has degenerated into. However, the behavior of the US establishment, the financial debt, the wars (real ones and culture wars), is really nothing new. What is new is the DEGREE to which they have brazenly doubled down on all these ideas, as the USS Titanic sinks deeper and has passed the tipping point. Left unmentioned in another excellent display of writing skill, is who pulls the strings of the three layers: big money and the Israeli Lobby. Since the BOTH benefit from the current state of affairs, and they bankroll and own both parties AND Mr. Trump, don't expect too much change. Sure, Trump is clearly the better one, aka the lesser evil. Given the HUGE blind spot in this space when it comes to the power of the Israeli Lobby (just two examples: Haim Saban gave Kamala Harris $40 million, and Miriam Adelson gave Donald Trump $100 million, in PAC money), I have concluded the real reason JHK supports Trump is that he is perceived to be more pro-Israel than Harris. Mr. Kunstler simply does not want to antagonize many of his followers, so he doesn't come out and vocally support the Greater Israel Project; Mr. Kunstler supports Trump instead. I don't know how that is physically possible for Trump to be more pro-Israel than Biden-Harris. Perhaps some one can explain it. Hasn't crooked Joe dutifully supplied bombs and aid and UN vetoes? Is it the sense that instead of arming, supporting, and enabling the Israeli rampage at any cost (never mind the NC hurricane victims) like K Harris, Trump will support them even more? In other words, instead of merely endless, or infinite support, provided by Biden-Harris, Trump will provide infinite plus one more support. Is that it? And, while the Israeli-attempted extermination of Palestinians is bad enough, as Israel escalates into what will become a clear cut WW3, (and if Trump actually ends the war in Ukraine (which he absolutely should), then Russia will be better able to help Iran. So, don't hold your breath on Ukraine ending if Trump becomes Prez). After the US and Israel attack Iran, I predict energy markets will implode (aka the energy infrastructure in the Middle East EXPLODES. That will quickly impact the US, and the government will probably have to ration energy and control movement (think COVID lockdown on steroids). Of course, the neocon, Zionist blob thinks they can attack Iran and "manage the fallout" (pun intended). We will see. And then a life time of work regarding resource shortages will come true, as the energy-hungry big PX loses power. Pretty interesting how Mr. Kunstler can call out censorship and bad US policy when it comes to COVID and mRNA injections, but not Palestine/Israel. So, enjoy today. Germany was "riding high in 1940 and 1941", as old photos of happy Germans enjoying life those halcyon summers in der Fatherland attest while their occupied subjects in Eastern Europe suffered. That golden "Aryan summer" didn't last, did it? Just like this US/Israel, "you and me against the world" won't either. And our October surprise may be Mr. Netanyahu hitting Iran directly and precipitating bigger response, which could wreak havoc on energy infrastructure. Would that not help Mr. Trump win the election? Could that not be spun as "Biden let Iran out of the cage, and look at us now, $10 gas and closed gas stations"? A small price to pay for the pursuit of Greater Israel--Americans should be happy to pay it, and more!

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I don't like the way you fling around the label "Zionist," Socrates. There are people, including many Jews, who care about the continuing existence of the state of Israel, but you imply that Israel has no right to exist, that there is something dirty about its existence, and if you persist in that theme, then you will cease to exist as a commenter on this blog.

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Yes, let's make this about an existential threat to Israel, so we can rationalize killing the Palestinians, Lebanese, and anyone who resists the well-documented abuses of the Israeli government, and silencing those who do not agree with what is going on, and the US role in enabling it. Just as many non-Jews care about Israel, several of the most articulate, informed voices discussing and reporting on in Palestine/Israel are Jews--Israelis and Americans. Gideon Levy, Miko Peled, Max Blumenthal, the individual DETAINED at Detroit Airport for two hours this spring. We have heroic Jews: ordinary liberal (in the positive sense) "not in my name" American Jews who have been arrested... In the past I suggested you do podcast with Max Blumenthal. He's a former NYT reporter like you. A year ago, you wrote, and I paraphrase, "Netanyahu/Israel will do what is necessary". So you were clearly OK with disproportionate punishment--if Israelis are doing it. You also informed us about how essential American Jews were in the Civil Rights struggle, implying the long-suffering poor Negroes could not have gotten as far without the help of American Jewry. So basically, you trumpeted the role of American Jews in liberating African-Americans, while approving the role of Israelis Jews in slaughtering Palestinians. Life for blacks in 1920 was not ideal, but it was also not remotely as bad as it has been for Palestinians in occupied Israel. Yet, you implied it was OK for the Israelis to annihilate the Palestinians after the natives' Nat Turner moment, with their little Tet-like offensive on Oct 07. And now, you say that I imply Israel has no right to exist, because I don't believe Israel has the right to exterminate the native Palestinians, or that my tax money should fund it. Imply is a clever word. I have written, at least once here, "Israel is not going anywhere". But, for the sake of argument, let me indulge you and write "Israel has no right to exist". So what? Is my view a crime? I'm not an Israeli. If the Palestinians have no right to exist, as is implied by US policy, the US press, and many Americans' attitudes, what's the difference? I'm not a Palestinian either. But regardless, no one is going to be offended if I write "Palestine does not have a right to exist". That is the Israeli government view, isn't it? BUT, if I was to say, American Jews and blacks shouldn't have a right to vote (because they vote Democrat, and as such, have enabled toxic ideas which have eroded American society), now THAT I can see as being problematic, because THIS IS AMERICA, and I would be singling out Americans. So, are you implying that Israel's right to exist means Israel has the right to eliminate the native Palestinians unless they accept their status as second-class (at best) or subjugated prisoners at worse? I don't agree with that. And I don't agree with my tax money funding it. Nor do I agree with the upcoming WW3 that is going kill of a lot of people directly, and indirectly cause a lot of misery with the attendant economic turmoil. And, whether you are secretly cheering for Iran to be bombed or not, in my opinion, that is where we are headed: when Iran's nuclear facilities are attacked, in conjunction with some other event, that will usher in WW3, whether it is declared or not. So, like you, I will watch what I can, while I can, while the internet is still up, and we will see how it plays out. It's your blog, you are free to make it an "Israel Uber Alles" space. BTW, I liked the old CFN more. While we are not going to agree on Palestine/Israel, I think it is unfortunate that the old CFN is down, and I can't go to podcasts (easily)--like Dmitry Orlov, for example. He has a good podcast today with Nima Alkoshid, if you are interested.

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By way of deception do they make war. They helped the Blacks in order to overthrow us. That's why they opened our border too. The more diversity, the weaker we are. The weaker we are, the stronger they are.

A real nation is an organic unity of mind (culture) and body (one people). Your idea of America is all wrong. Liberalism is a mind virus, just like Feminism, Marxism, Libertarianism, etc.

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All I can say objectively at this point is this:

Can the entire world be wrong regarding the Israel/Palestine conflict?

The only countries supporting Israel now are Israel, the United States, Micronesia and Palau.

More and more countries are refusing to send more weapons to Israel.

This is the world’s first televised genocide/ethnic cleansing with the entire Israeli government openly saying that Oct. 7th gave them a “once in a lifetime” opportunity to create their wet dream of “Greater Israel”. This is colonialism on steroids with hidden nuclear weapons (shhh…it’s a secret).

What will be achieved once Iran is smoldering and Greater Israel is smoldering (Iran will strike back and very possibly end Israel) and the entire world hates the U.S. for creating such unimaginable destruction when a simple vote at the Security Council and a phone call from Biden telling Bibi “stop or else we’re done” would have ended the fighting and started down the path of the Two State Solution (which even the US supports)?

And the obvious truth is, that God forbid Israel and Iran should cease to exist, the United States is already the home to millions of Jews and the U.S. government clearly supports Netanyahu, his government and their military activities as a great thing.

We should all be able to discuss these tough issues here so long as we bring the truth to the table and speak civilly.

I thank Mr. Kunstler for the opportunity.

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No free speech here, eh, Jimbo? That's a sad thing. care to comment before you start banning people who despise the insane, murderous, genocidal Zionist regime in Israel? OR being a jew, will you excuse all the inexcusable actions of "Butcher" Bibi and his cabal or mass-murderers?

BTW: I have no love for radical islamoturds.




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If your enemies are trying to kill you, you have the right to fight back, and it's despicable that Palestinian leadership sacrifices its people to smear Israel in the eyes of the world, which was the real purpose of the October 7 attack.

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I don't know why people have such a hard-on against "Zionism." God gave Israel, Israel, a country about the size of Rhode Island. Everyone else gets the rest of the world.

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Nope. Again and again the Bible says all the land from the Nile to the Euphrates. You don't even know your own book.

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What right did "GOD" have to give anybody ANTHING, Kathy?

Forgetting for a moment the truth.......


On the first day man made GOD.

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Oh my goodness, a proud atheist who believes humanity appeared out of an explosion of gases and isn't ashamed to trumpet his incredulous and insipid stupidity publicly under his own name (I presume)!

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BB - What is Israel supposed to do? These Oct. 7 animals kill women and children and you cannot see Israel has an existential crisis on their hands? And Iran and its proxies lob bombs at them daily? Would you have someone do this to you and not fight back?

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Racists and ungodly haters like BB McFarland don't understand the difference between slander and free speech. If you lie without retraction when the facts aren't there for what then amounts to slander, or even more compellingly, the facts refute your lies as it does in this case with SocratesDeranged, then you have not only forfeited your platform to speak, but you are liable for more severe and corrective judgment.

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There goes the First Amendment. They could never have created America, would never have. Only us, ourselves, ourselves alone (Sinn Fein in Irish).

English has become the patois for the Global State. We need to speak something else in any America 2.0. Why not Irish Gaelic? Think about it.

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The First Amendment doesn't give you immunity against slander. You're worse than a simple lawbreaker, making a loophole for the evil of many to prevail over all.

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A nuclear attack in the middle east is coming. It's written about in Zechariah 14.

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Zechariah 14 is nothing more than the scribblings of ancient religious cultist, Kathy.

And if you referenced Biblical scriptures – it must be true. NOT!

It still amazes me that Christians think the Bible is evidence.

The Bible is the CLAIM, not the evidence.

And it's always a laugh to hear the millionth different interpretation of the BIble and the complete certainty to say that everyone else got it wrong. These are the people that consider themselves humble.

Why is it so hard for people to understand that "My book is true because my book says it is true" is not a valid form of reasoning?

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Zionism Is a political movement. Its function being the establishment of a Jewish state and the continuation/defense of said state. Not every person of Jewish descent is a Zionist just as a Zionist is not necessarily of Jewish descent. I myself am Sephardic yet not Zionist and still, I stand with the defense of Israel as a nation and Jews as a people.

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Zionism is a RELIGIOUS movement - remember the Amalekites!

Jesus is only a myth in a very old book of fiction my friend Mel.

And a GOD started all this killing and genocide in Gaza in the first place.

When one party comes armed with their Bible and a 2,000-year-old promise from their imaginary GOD, rational thinking goes out the window.

The issue will only be settled on the field of battle with iron and rivers of blood.

As we are seeing on Al Jazeera TV every day.

Thousands slaughtered in the name of imaginary GODs.

As it has been done since man invented GOD's.

There will be no winners.

Every religion claim's that theirs is the only true God!

What evidence do Israelis have that their religion is not just other false religion?

Why is their "God" real and all the others are not?

When they understand why they dismiss ALL the other possible "Gods", only then will they understand why we atheists dismiss theirs.

"Religion poisons everything" - Christopher Hitchens

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How are you not a Zionist, exactly?

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What took you so long to migrate?

You know Jim has an open border, but he's not down with all the freebies.

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Anything goes inside the beltway. Smug manipulative narcissistic buffoon behavior of the UniParty blob. But, it does matter to the citizen taxpayers. Accountability of those referenced is mandatory. America First. MAGA. MAHA.

From the Beach....


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