It’s a possibility that our country is heading toward a Thelma and Louise ending. The fact that tens of millions of Americans would even consider voting for an empty headed, inarticulate individual such as Kamalama Ding Dong indicates that we have an epidemic of stupid raging throughout the country. Unfortunately, there’s no cure for stupid.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

It's partly that, but also a setup for the massive cheat I suspect they have planned for us.

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We might not be worth saving.

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Wha’ you mean “we”, Kimo Sabe?

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More than half of America is Not going to vote for HER! At least those of us with a Brain!

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Yes, but will a criminally captured election system allow Trump to win? It clearly didn't in 2020.

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I highly doubt it, unless they plan to stick him with the crashing economy.

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I could see that scenario or a treasury bond default, but those would be the opportunity to get the country back on Constitutional money (possibly gold/silver backed) instead of federal reserve debt notes, that no longer buy as much as they did 3-4 short years ago. That was by design.

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Jamie Raskin said he'd refuse to certify the outcome if Trump won.

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I’m sure it’s way more than 50%. Polls are propaganda tools. Everyone knows that. Or, at at least we should.

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There is. Starvation has a way of getting people back to bascics.

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I was watching a documentary on Berlin yesterday, and how in the space of five years the German people went from siege heiling Hitler to cursing his name (this was after we bombed nearly every city to rubble), and I'm wondering if that would happen here after enough hardship. But then again, I think, nah.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Now that is prophetic. After we've been reduced to tattooed savages fighting in the ruins, the weird, desperate zombies in the Salvager enclaves that still have electricity will blame Trump in the official histories.

"He caused this!", as they burn him in effigy. Meanwhile, some of the still lightly brown tribes in the hinterlands will be erecting totems to the sound of war drums.

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Yaas Queen. He and his men brought down the loathsome Weimar Republic and then enacted an economic renaissance. Of course they had to destroy him and his works, and have his name smeared. Zelensky was setting up a Weimar in Ukraine and is now being destroyed by Putin. Alas, our Weimar continues unabated.

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Yes, a bunch of perverts/trannies but all of a sudden…

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Tribalism being played out by insulated liberals. They have no idea of what the real world is like other than what they hear in legacy media (NYT's, CNN) which they believe entirely.

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Never ever believe polls. They have been a propaganda tool for eons to fool idiots into believing a false reality. There’s little chance Kamala is anywhere near Trump in numbers.

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That's why they needed to fast-track the illegals for citizenship, so they can vote democrat in November.

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Yes,,yes there is..

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Hello Gary, is this what you mean by "there’s no cure for stupid"?


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You may be surprised in November.

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I'm hoping for a pony.

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I really enjoy your writing. Thank you for your efforts

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Dang, you're good! "No rainbows, unicorns, tax cuts, or ten-pound blocks of government cheese? Nothing but a disintegrating dollar, floods of savage mutts crossing the border..." Thank you for writing.

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Is this the person the Democrats want overseeing the Federal Reserve?


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Yes, they see this as a plus. Good vibes, cool, you know..

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Anyone looking forward to the VP debate? Vance is an effective defender of common sense. Walz has his charms, though: a deep, soothing radio voice that could have graced Air America in another timeline. Walz is the "married" drama teacher who almost made it in showbiz. Born 10 years too early - a younger Walz would be out, proud, and happier rather than projecting his self-hate onto the children of Minnesota. I got no problem with the gays. But this particular one? He seems to have a problem with me.

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You would have more of a problem with "the gays" if you knew what they really thought of straight men and women, and how many of them got their start on their sexuality at an early age and think it's great to help the young ones discover their sexuality at an early age too.

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Yes, we should all be telling the truth because the corporate media sure won't. Male homosexuality and homo-pedophilia are two sides of the same coin.

The majority of gay men were sodomized as boys. This is why they are gay now. And then they grow up to become abusers themselves at a very high rate.

It should be classified as child sexual abuse to hang the flag of homo-pedo sodomy in any classroom. Because it is in fact child sexual abuse.

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Truth, so rarely spoken yhese days. The threat of the gay mafia is real.

I have worked around quite a few gay women, many of them seem to feel compelled to explain to me why & only one has ever told me that she has only felt attraction to her own sex & she had never been molested or abused. Every other one had been molested as a child, most often by an older male relitive

However neighbors, more than one a school bus driver etc..

I suspect that many girls that this happens to do not become gay as a reaction. My own wife as an example. I dont know what it is, i am always horrified and angry inside when some one tells me these things Idont show it as that can be frightening.

These poor wounded gals don't need that.

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Women's sports are creating "lesbians" in droves. My wife had a very attractive friend who was completely straight and feminine. It was her unfortunate luck to get a D-1 soccer scholarship. By the end of college she was a haggard, butch dyke with a nose ring and girlfriend. She is now "married" to another dyke. Several times, after a couple glasses of wine, she has broken down to my wife and told her that she never wanted her life to go this way, but that the dyke coaches and older dykes on the soccer team basically brainwashed her into it. It's very sad. Her parents are devout Catholics and are heart-broken. This happens all time, all over the country.

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And women studies in general. How many parents sent their beloved and lovely daughter off to college and never saw her again? She came home for Christmas as a rage monkey foaming at the mouth.

It doesn't take long. Feminism is a most potent mind virus. The natural feminine resentment of men and feelings of sisterhood/alliance are already in women. They are born with it. It just needs to be actualized, guided and weaponized. In the natural and necessary culture of Patriarchy, they help to put a check on potential male abuse. But there is no check against feminine cruelty against men. Just more proof that men are supposed to be in power and never women.

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Wow: similar story with a dear friend's soccer-scholarship daughter, who went L in college then quickly grew hatefully furious at her grieving parents. Daughter is now "married" to a transitioning person and estranged from her beautiful, kind, praying mother.

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Right, again men doing the molesting for the most part, and I agree that pedophilia is a horrible crime which remains with the child for life. But I'm actually more sympathetic to lesbians overall, because I think some of them at least have a little evidence for being "born that way". I've read that lesbian faces can be distinguished with a greater than random probability, while that's not true for gay men.

And lesbianism is evolutionarily plausible, while innate and exclusive male homosexuality is not. Over the last million years, most women got pregnant regardless of their own preference, so such genes would not necessarily be wiped out as they would be with gay men.

Men evolved to be indiscriminate about sex because they don't get pregnant, so there was little downside to making a poor choice of sex partner, as long as they also managed to father children at some point.

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There is a whole cadre of older, obese dykes who left their husbands for various reasons and had the epiphany at 50 years old they they were "gay." Mostly because no guy wants to touch them anymore.

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Yes, people usually come to conclusions that minimize their own pain, whether true or not.

I also suspect that a lot of "erectile dysfunction" is actually lack of attraction.

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Not all of them were started on the gay road by having been sodomized as young boys. Many report being attracted to other men at an early age in spite of never having been sexually assaulted.

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No, this is a post-hoc rationalization to minimize the feeling of guilt.

Men will fuck sheep. This does not make them attracted to sheep. It's just _easy_. Same with male homosexuality. Maybe they get started because of the "imp of the perverse" as Poe wrote. But having fallen into that vice, they need a justification.

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Is that in the Bible, Kathy?

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Correct, Wendy. Its most of them.

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Sorry, but "gays" are just like everyone else, unless like many other "straights", they stupidly define themselves purely on sexual activity preferences. All I can possibly say to either of these groups is GET A LIFE.

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I do not for one second believe that story about Walz and, er, "stallion milk," but I am fascinated with the man's enormous mouth. I can't stop staring at it. Somebody lend him a manhole cover.

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Guard your liver! Reminiscent of Dick Cheney’s pie hole!

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As Jarek would say, Walz is a deracinated white man who serves as white eye candy for Harris.

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He plays the role of Stupid Dad on TV.

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Every show has to have one.

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Speaking of Jarek, has he adopted a new handle and is he posting since we've been forced to use Substack? If yes, what's his handle?

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LOL! "The gays."

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

"According to Col. Wilkerson, Sec’y of Defense Lloyd Austin told the “president” to his face that there will be no flinging of US-supplied long-range missiles from Ukraine “deep into Russia,” as the neocon-infested White House been chattering about endlessly."

So, what now, when Russia calls the US on the Hot Line they get: "Thank you for your call. Wait times are longer than normal. Please hold for next available nuclear warhead."

This is meaningless. Long range attacks deep inside Russia have been going on since 2022.

The UK and Europe, NATO vassal states (NATO being the United States), just announced authorized attacks deep inside Russia this past Friday, September 20, 2024.

Long range attacks deep inside Russia is exactly what is happening, right now, with the attacks deep inside Russia on these ammunition depots.

I mean just how stupid do these idiots think we the people are?

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Ho, ho. The third prediction of Fatima is looming large. The prediction that communism will take over the world if Russia is not “controlled”. The precursor to the End Times. The advent of the Anti-Christ. The communistic fervor taking over individualism world-wide.

Something happened though. Russia recovered their religious heart, becoming Orthodox again, coming back to the Immaculate Heart. So what happened to the prediction?

Hint: Communism is surging out at another source,

Here. What do you think? A worthless victor in November, the further advance of Marxism in Washington DC and then the Fatima prophecy may be directed by Rome towards the USA? Is the USA going to be the Font of Communism in the future. I do remember that God loves irony.

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22 mins ago·edited 20 mins ago

Except that even such a staunch Catholic as Cardinal Burke is still calling for prayer for the conversion of Russia.

Much as I love Russian Orthodoxy, it's not the Catholic Church, so if you believe the Catholic Church is the one, true Church founded by Jesus, that's a problem. (Of course, Satan has thrown mud into all that by installing an apostate/imposter/antipope, Bergoglio, in the Vatican, causing mass confusion and defections, and making it harder than ever for people to see the truth of the Catholic Church.)

For what it's worth, many Orthodox that I know are virulently anti-Catholic (which is a whole other long, complicated story).

Another complication is that Russia, much as I love her, has not fully repented of Communism, in my opinion. I hate to say it, because I loathe how Yeltsin allowed the rape and near-ruination of Russia in the '90s, but it was probably only by fraud and U.S. subversive interference in the 1996 Russian election that Yeltsin defeated the Communist Party candidate, Gennady Zyuganov. (Zyuganov is still in the Russian parliament, and considers himself a Christian -- obviously one of the "social justice," "Liberation Theology" type of Christians.) In other words, the battered and besieged Russians (most Americans have NO IDEA how horrific the Yeltsin years were in Russia) were ready to go back to Communism. (Putin's good governance, which has brought prosperity and self-respect, has nearly cured them of that, thank God.)

My point is, though I applaud Putin’s rebuilding of thousands of churches and his partnership with Patriarch Kirill, and I rejoice in Russia's return to her age-old Christian roots, I think Russia has still not recovered from the trauma of Communism, and has not yet CONFRONTED it deeply enough to truly repent of it. (Kind of like the way most Americans still stick their heads in the sand about the horrors we participated in during Covid, and do not want to soul-search or talk about it honestly.)

In these senses, I could see that we should still be praying for the conversion of Russia. And who am I to gainsay Cardinal Burke, whom I respect and am grateful for?

But yeah, as an American and a Catholic, it's kind of galling to me to be asked to pray for the conversion of Russia, which is now a much more Christian nation than America is in many ways. That is why I have to remind MYSELF of the arguments I just laid out above.

So yeah, let's pray for the conversion of Russia, but we certainly need to be praying for the conversion of AMERICA, too!!!

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The difference, I suspect, is owning it vs plausible deniability.

We know those misses fly with our targeting data & finger on the button.

Russia knows that we are behind those missiles.

We know Russia knows and Russia knows we know they know.

But as long as the pretense continues, they aren't pressured to respond in kind & escalate.

The minute we say "Nyah nyah nyah we did it!" Russia has legal justification to respond in force & the moral imperative to do so.

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Maybe they are simply left on hold listening to "Meadowlands"?


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I love it! Perfect! Thank you.

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Grotesque. It could get so much worse as in hitting Moscow. Obviously it would soon go nuclear in such a scenario. It's VERY good that Trump is part of this relatively sane faction.

Why don't they just focus on winning the war in Lebanon and taking down Iran? Isn't that dangerous enough? isn't that mad enough? But these maniacs want a war on three fronts!

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And these attacks are carried out by Ukraine's own drones converted out of domestically-produced A22 Foxbat ultralight airplanes. Once Russia starts to get serious enough, those will get shot out of the sky. Missiles, on the other hand, are way more tricky that a huge slow prop airplane.

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Pentagon has cancelled “Joe Biden,” that is, taken him out of the decision-loop for anything. Well, you ask yourself, how is it possible he had even remained remotely close to any decision-loop this long, in any case, given the problem of his obviously broken brain?

'Lemme 'Splain something to you...when the military dictates to the elected Commander in Chief, and not the other way around, that is called a "Coupe". Maybe a good reason...sometimes not. Explain to me, please how this can be seen otherwise.

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It can't. We have had several coups now. The Presidential Election of 2020 was a coup. Jill Biden sitting in on a cabinet meeting was a coup.

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JFK getting taken out by the CIA in 1963 was a coup. When are Americans going to wake up and face the reality that we have been under enemy occupation by the "Deep State" for nearly 61 years now?

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We're pretty stupid.

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The demonrats are stupid!!!

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Ain't it strange not-a-one savage mutt has landed in Martha's Vineyard? Oops, wrongthink again. You and me are old enough to remember Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney and how great they made the world "safe for democracy" again. Now we have Blinken, Nuland, and Nod taking up the banner. Vote harder? hmmm....

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Facts speaks louder than all else. Facts such as this: Victoria Nuland, was undeniably a major driving force behind this mess from the beginning. Nuland worked for Dick "Satan" Cheney decades before there was a "Biden Administration. These people are two sides to the same coin!

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Glenn Beck’s chalkboard on Ukraine on You Tube about 5 years ago showed the corruption of Ukraine that was done by the Biden clan with Nuland as the vanguard. Biden was under Obama as Vice-president at the time and was given the job of “controlling” Ukraine. This odorous deal made the 2014 coup a necessity. It made the first impeachment of Trump a necessity. It directly led to Zelensky and the “invasion” by Russia. You know, Russia, the country that actually defends itself?

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Hello John. My wife and I have come to rely upon Glenn Beck/BLAZE TV for our daily news feed. We are subscribers to BLAZE/TV. And we are also very satisfied paid subscribers to James Howard Kunstler's Substack for political commentary and insight.

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Vote Trump in November to Save America!

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Did she? Now isn't that interesting.

Vickie and Dickie sittin' in a tree

Pushin' the button on World War Three

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Yep, It is a well documented fact! They all work for the Military-Industrial- Congressional Complex.

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So did Cheatle, the DEI hire for secret service, roof is slanted brilliance. Cheney.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Cheatle too? Who knew that Hydra, for all its faults, celebrated equality!

Hail Hydra!

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Neo-cons are NEO-CONS.

Let's get rid of these idiots once and for all in November.

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All three of the latter have Ukrainian blood in their veins, and they hate Putin. Because. Well. Russia.

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Yeah just like Gypsies and Romanians. Same, right? Tell that to a Romanian, dare ya.

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They didn't end up in Chappaqua, either. Isn't that where Hillary lives?

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I would imagine that after the last delivery, they've taken steps to insure it never happens again.

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Actually, DeSantis flew a plane load of immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard a few years ago. The Vinyard-ers freaked out, of course, and sent them to the military base in Bourne on Cape Cod. I think they’re actually still there.

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I remember the freak out. I just assume the Vineyard Nobles (including Barry) wouldn’t stand for such unwashed pets staying over 24 hours.

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All that Martha's vinyard property will become worthless when the waters are turned to blood. That's coming.

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I do hope you're correct about Ukraine, a little sanity creeping into the maniacs' "deliberations". And as a Starmer-loathing Scot, I'm pleased he was disappointed he didn't get to play war games, the dangerous fool. And I hope "Joe Biden" is safely away from anything combustible.

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James is such a gifted writer!

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This guy claims that Terrorism doesn't come from Muslims, that terrorism is created in the U.S.

But I don't believe everything he says. When Muslims numbers grow, they definitely try to take over countries. Offend their religion, they will get violent.

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They will get violent anyway, whether "offended" or not. Violence is commanded in the Koran:

"The Qur'an tells us: not to make friendship with Jews and Christians (5:51), kill the disbelievers wherever we find them (2:191), murder them and treat them harshly (9:123), fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (9:5)."


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Islam follows a very consistent pattern; there is an old chart showing the Islamification of a nation by the percentages. When the number of Muslims hits 5%, then 10%, then 20%...until eventually the nation is 99% Muslim.

But as to the claim, yes, the USA did resurrect Islam.

Fundamentalist Islam, in the Mideast and Central Asia, was near dead from Egypt to Afghanistan.

Expats tell me the 50s Tehran and Riyadh were like Las Vegas; in the 70s, American teenagers worked in the souks of Iran as readily as the grape vineyards of France. Hijab was something only worn in dusty villages by old grannies; all the Mideast had most women wearing Western skirts, with unclad hair, going to university. The Russian poured rubles into tens of thousands of modernization infrastructure in Afghanistan, power stations, hydro, phones, schools, hospitals, apartment blocks.

Then, Marxists decided to depose the King of Afghanistan in 1973. Radicals came to Lebanon, and Palestine, and others. In 1979, HW Bush sent a British-Indian agent named Ayatollah Khomeini to the most civilized, advanced, most free country in the the Mideast, Persia, the same year the US ignited the war against Russia to save Afghans from all those women going to school to become doctors.

What the US resurrected was Jihad.

Soon enough, female genital mutilation ("shorn women", like sheep), burkas, bacha bazi (boy harems), and mind-numbing madrassa schools followed. (Along with 100,000 girls strangled en masse in warehouses in Iran, 1979-81.)

(Please don't spout the US propaganda about that faggot dictator, Mossadegh, who started confiscating all the assets of his political opponents, or about SAVAK, professionals who killed 500(!) fedayeen radicals who had themselves murdered 20,000 Iranians.)

What I suspect is that much of the Communist movements arising were not Soviet inspired, rather, were subterranean counter-movements by MI6 and CIA. A Gladio operation, as had and was being done in Europe and South America (the 'paramilitaries' and 'Contras'.)

Also, re Iran, the great humanitarian Shah had proposed a Muslim trading bloc of non-Arab countries; oriental non-Arab Muslims outnumbered Arab Muslims 2 or 3 to one.

As to Afghanistan, it still had a king in 1973; it was so peaceful internally that his main duty was calling each province nightly on the shortwave to check for car accidents.

That tells us the penultimate nature of the Intelligence agencies; they were communist from their inception, the militant pirate arm of the successful communist infiltration that gave us the New Deal agency system. As modern East India Companies, theirs was to wage war without uniformed armies, using local mafias in their stead.

Why communist? The great goal of the communists was to erase the Westphalian - style kingdoms, such as Persia/Iran and Afghanistan, as had been done in the conflagration of WW1, which ended 500 years of empire. Erase them that "democracy"- rule by oligarchs unfettered by either Throne or Altar- might tear down the fences, the walls, the borders to create a One World global slave plantation.

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Wake up. The jews are far greater threats... just look at the scum in congress... Raskin, Schiff, Wasserman-shitzel, Cohen, Blumenthal, Goldman, Sanders, Schumer, etc...

Then look at the jews infesting the Biden administration and America's corrupt banker swine...

And like they say: "NEVER FORGET!!"


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There is a huge difference between Jews and Islam. Jews are an ethnicity and while there is a religion called Judaism, not all or even most Jews adhere to that or agree what it means. But one thing is clear, the religion called Judaism doest’t call for the subjugation of the world and doesn’t teach Jews to murder their neighbors.

Islam, on the other hand, is not an ethnicity but is a religious and political ideology that instills hate through a superiority complex combined schizophrenically with a predilection to claim victimization. Islam not only assaults and abuses the “heathen” it sees as competitors, but kills its own at a much higher rate than the enemies it creates.

Now, McFarland can’t see these things because his mind is poisoned by hate, which is slowly consuming and destroying him. Soon he will be no more.

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The best description I've seen of the difference between Islam and Christianity is that God died for humanity but Allah demands that humanity die for him.

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"Religion poisons everything!" - Christopher Hitchens

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That is why Jesus preached against the phony Judaic religion of His day and paid the price for it. Jesus taught that all of us have a “God presence” inside of us and that is what creates faith. We do not need priests of dogmas or buildings to be people of God, just prayer to make the contact.

He was killed by the Jewish leadership, priests, to put down that message.

BTW, the Nicene conference put that right back into place in Christianity when they insisted that you can only be admitted to Heaven through a priest. Jesus finds that revolting.

That leads to an obvious question. Is the modern edition of Christianity a man-made religion? Or a product of Jesus’ teaching?

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8 mins ago·edited just now

The great and unknown secret to Islam was that Arabs didn't create it.

It took 900 years to finalize, but it was the offshoot of radical Hebrew-speaking fundamentalists who had twice, three times lost their war with the Roman Empire. (aka Ebionites, or nazween.)

What became Islam was originally the supremacist Jewish movement that Jesus himself had fought against. It was first created to wipe out Arab Christians, and then went on to fullfil vegeance against Rome, who had itself adopted the Heretic. Vengeance for the sack of Jerusalem in 70 and 135 AD...the original "Never forget, never forgive!"

Rome became Christian, Christian is Roman, to them. We are not running out of any brown race, we are running out of the European race.

Ishmaelites, remember, are also seeds of Abraham. Their contest with Jews is an inheritance fight, but both Semitic branches literally began as a war against the Aryan majority they suborned, and whose women, identity, and rule they stole. Allah and Yahweh are brothers against cousins, and cousins against the stranger...the Aryans, then Romans, then Christians they became.

The Bible, the Q'uran, even the Veddas of India...these all began as political messaging (and are, throughout, although we have forgotten what they were talking about) and have returned to politics, as the Longest War against the White world, some 5,000 years old.

They sought to replace us, with themselves, as masters of the Earth; the madness afflicting us is that we are infected with their concepts and ways, and we are becoming them.

Their greatest and most terrible invention, monotheism, that we must bow to their god as supreme, and forget our own - Monotheism delenda est!

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Paul you seem to fail to see that the those people also HATE. just as much as the people they are pushing on to the rest of the world. Why do you think they invest so much in flooding every white country full of blacks and Muslims in the first place? It's almost like you people believe they love you or something.

Sinking the USS liberty, that shit wasn't love. And I don't believe Muslims did 9/11 either. For all of their faults, they weren't capable of pulling that off. The article Mcfarland posted makes a lot of sense. I read the whole thing, not just half of it.

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Those aren't jews you are describing, those are progressives. Jews who actually believe in god and follow God's laws are intrinsically "conservative"; progressives with Jewish surnames do not believe iin God rather they believe they are God. I understand that this revelation is rejected by people who have invested decades in fact their very personality,into blaming a,religious group for everything,.

But try.

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Who does Obadiah write about?

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OK, we get it, always blame the world’s problems on the Joos! Now go away and post on Der Strumer where your views are more acceptable.

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There is actually a pattern for their behavior based on their percentage of the population.

What they have (and Democrats don't) is patience to play the long game. Inch by inch. Yard by yard. Until they cross the goal line.

Part of the equation is that they have higher birth rates than those of their target countries.

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That website, Global Research, has been around for a while and has always struck me as actual Russian propaganda. I say this as a person who believes 95% of "Russian disinformation" claims are transparent bullshit.

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The guy who proffered that inanity obviously skipped the last 1500 years of world history class.

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"Chaos. . . riots. . . anarchy. . . civil war."

Oh, is that all?

Actually I just wanted to see if I could be the first to comment. Ha! Not even close. James, you sure have an enthusiastic audience.

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I just ordered four of his books having only recently discovered him. Fantastic writer and thinker!

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And prophet, just wait until you read your first annual prediction in January.

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Why the eff they had Jill Biden at the cabinet meeting, never mind "leading" it, is beyond me. Why not Kamala? They're equally idiot, but at least she actually has an official title.

If it was supposed to be somehow reassuring, it fails. If you're going to stage a military coup, at least do that the normal way. Is there no General left who is not less of an embarrassment than installed "Doctor" Jill Biden?

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Obama got rid of everyone in the military who might be "problematic" for the regime. Now all you've got are Marxists.

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Kamala was probably at some publicity function and couldn't be bothered. The US has been being run by a quasi-Marxist oligarchy for the past four years, anyway, and it's still government by committee. That's why Kamala didn't need to be there.

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You are right. Oligarchy works its way down the economy and converts it to feudalism where a few folks run everyone else. A good example is the post civil war south where hordes of slaves and po’ whites became sharecroppers, slaves to the land and the owners thereof. The South was a feudal state for a hundred years.

As manufacturing and the resultant middle class have been off-shored by the Libs, we are approaching feudalism and oligarchy once again. The oligarchies duke it out to see who is top dog and voila, monarchies develop. So where the USA is going is pretty obvious with a study of history. Monarchy under the falsehood of the term president with dictatorial socialism running the show. One guy in charge, a group of “barons” to support him. The Mob, and everyone else subjugated to them as serfs.

THAT is what the vote in November is all about. Many idiot kings and queens operated under oligarchical control in Europe, so Kamala is nothing new.

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They probably acted on the precendent of Wilson's wife doing pretty much the same thing back in the day. As for Kamala, who in their right mind would put her there, really.

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Nobody in their right mind.

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Democrats are people who are... not in their right mind.

As Kunstler says, the political battle is now between the sane versus the insane.

Tucker Carlson frames it as a battle between the honest and the dishonest. I think about the Democrats I know and, yeah, they simply are not interested in truth -- and will castigate you, suppress you, or ignore you if you even try to establish what's true and what isn't.

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Well, ladies and germs;

The Situational Awareness, this AM reports that;

(3) RI POWER BILLS TO JUMP 23% THIS WINTER: The Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission approved a 23% increase on electricity rates starting 1 October.

“We share in the concerns about the high price of energy supply — primarily driven by geo-political events around the globe as well as supply and demand,” Rhode Island Energy spokeswoman Caroline Pretyman said.

But it is OK, cause they feel your pain.

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Oof - spooky way to start the week, but appreciate the sincerity about the gravity of our situation

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I nearly spit out my morning coffee while reading the last two paragraphs. I have never heard the situation explained in a more eloquent manner. I fear we are indeed . . . doomed. Another great piece of real journalism, Thank You!

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Refreshing in a world of ABC style journalism, isn’t it?

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Love your stuff, James. Thanks!

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Sheople abound. Darkness surrounds.

The Muslim dude not from Hawaii is a dark face in the woodpile. Iran lover. He was sincere when he opined he would change the "face" of America. Does his new chef prepare cat, duck and geese? Oh, he is from Haiti, the chef? Voodoo dolls too? Yeah. It all fits.

From the beach....


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