It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future. - Yogi Berra

I needed no crystal ball to anticipate in mid September of 2022 that something nefarious was about to happen to the Nordstream pipeline. Germany was within a few days of getting a critical infusion of cheap natural gas from Russia, which would enable it to continue as the industrial powerhouse of the European Union. Sure enough, “someone” wrecked that eleven billion dollar investment, which had been undertaken jointly by Russia and our German “ally.”

Why did I expect that to happen? Keeping Germany and Russia from making an alliance has long been a fundamental tenet of US foreign policy, inherited from the British Empire. At the moment the gas started flowing, Germany would have much more incentive to build close ties with Russia than to continue to be one of America’s NATO lapdogs.

Recall that candidate Trump very sensibly advocated ending NATO eight years ago – a move made impossible by subsequent US actions and which, in any case, would have gotten Mr. Trump assassinated by the CIA during his first few months in office.

NATO is, of course, far from a defensive alliance. It is the rationalization and instrument for the projection of would-be US hegemonic power through Europe and beyond, pushing ever eastward. Just ask Germany, with its post-Nordstream economy in tatters, how beneficial NATO membership is.

Perhaps my Nordstream prediction was a lucky guess, but I have a similar feeling as we approach October 22nd. That’s the opening day for the BRICS summit scheduled to be hosted by Russia in Kazan – 550 miles East of Moscow. At that meeting Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, Thailand, Nigeria, Cuba, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Venezuela, Bolivia, Syria, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, and Bangladesh anticipate BRICS membership - the hopeful future of the world economy. (Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, and Ethiopia already joined BRICS on January 1st.)

For the failing US economy’s Dollar to continue to serve as the planet’s reserve currency – enabling us to export our deficit spending to the rest of the world – has become increasingly dubious. With the future belonging to the BRICS nations, it will be untenable. Arrangements are already being devised for BRICS exchange rates to be based upon a basket of currencies and commodities, independent of the Dollar.

The future of the US economy without reserve currency status is dire – far more unthinkable than a German-Russian alliance. And, as we have seen, our “leaders” have no scruples about taking such matters into their own hands.

While I would be very much surprised if our “leaders” don’t manage to slip some sort of turd into the BRICS punch bowl before the 22nd, predicting the timing of their gambit is more difficult. Both Zelensky and Netanyahu are desperate to induce the US to engage in a potentially catastrophic war with Iran and Russia, respectively, and they are surely cognizant of the US motivation to do something disruptive in time to throw a spanner into the gears of the growing BRICS juggernaut.

As for my prediction of what good can possibly come from any mischief the US may commit at this juncture, that’s easy: approximately zero.

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Always remember that Ukraine was started by a coup fomented by Biden and his mob. Putin set a Red Line, No NATO membership for Ukraine, and the USA hegemony crossed the line gleefully. A comparable scenario would be Russia or China setting up Mexico to be a BRICS+ military member with tons of weapons up against the border. Do you think this country would stand by for that? Or Cuba? Ukraine was a surprise to the USA idiots that figured they could do whatever they wanted after the Nuland/Biden coup getting rid of the Russia backed elected president.

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Putin didn't actually create the red line of no Nato membership for Ukraine, he inherited it really. Yeltsin and Bush Sr. agreed to not allow NATO expansion eastward in return for Russia allowing Ukraine to exit USSR peacefully.

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Secretary of State James Baker and Gorbachev reached an oral understanding that NATO would not be expanded eastward. But Bush 41 would not go along with Baker and nothing was committed to in writing.

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The Maidan Revolution of 2014 was fomented by Victoria Nuland and cronies in the State Department and CIA. I don't recall Biden (then VP) or John Kerry (then Secretary of State) playing a major role in the coup. The talk of NATO admitting Ukraine into NATO at some future date greatly concerned Putin for the reasons you mentioned. Putin was never going to allow a major Russian naval base at Sevastopol in Crimea to become a NATO naval base.

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Morning Howard - maybe let Jim set the tone and topics of his post, and then respond to his thoughts accordingly?

Richard - you too. Jim was kind enough to acknowledge your writing a while back. Stop the self-promotion, or give him a cut.

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This is Capitalist man, always on the make. We need a new kind of man, do we not?

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Janos - maybe not a new kind of man, but one, who has a higher intention. I don't see anything wrong with seeking more, provided the intention is having more to give - not simply just having more.

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Yes, put everyone in your debt. Or the self interest of giving away free computers to hook people on computers.

In terms of the four castes, material gain IS life to people of the vaisya caste. Not letting them doing it would be utter cruelty. The trick is to control it and them to make it and them serve Life, that is to say, the nation and its people. Control in the sense of guide not confiscate. If they won't have it, then the gloves come off. There are higher castes, higher men. They must rule the low men - and profit seekers are fairly low. Let's just face that fact. In a well run society, these people would be eager to please those above them. And they would be well rewarded for so doing by being respected and allowed to continue. Not bribed into doing good, but afraid of not doing good. It must never be forgotten what these people would do if they could get away with it - like making little children work long hours until they fall into the machines. That's who they are. They are the low.

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Agree. The intention has to be give-to-give, not give-to-get.

You are correct in phrasing - doing good. I'm often accused of using poor grammar. Doing good is for others, doing well is for oneself.

There are not enough men doing good, and too many doing well. Want proof? Just ask them.

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Seeking a new kind of man with higher intention? Nothing is wrong with the search, just the expectation of success.

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E - agreed, unrealistic expectations, only lead to disappointment. In a broad sense, that's where that's headed. Now given the current slew of miscreants - not hard to find men with higher intentions.

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Rather than changing man, why not change Capitalism? Why does capital accumulation continue after death? Why does being born to a rich family automatically bequeath unearned power over others.

We could eliminate all taxes, simply by enacting 100% inheritance taxe and with that provide universal housing, healthcare and food. After that it’s up to you to make your life better and teach your children well.

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Ridge, you're at the wrong address.

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He totally is on the wrong planet. The only way out of poverty is through capitalism. Whether or not one agrees or not it is still true. However, nothing is perfect. If one just knows history…it been proven that all the government systems that pretend to be for the people (socialism, communism, dictator, Popes, kings, queens, despots, and Lords etc.) really meant…..for me….not thee.

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Why not change capitalism? Cause it don’t work, and when you change it to your brand of socialism - it’s no longer capitalism.

We could eliminate all taxes, simply by enacting a 100% welfare free society. Fixed it for you.

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Tax the dead. Not the living.

Whatever aspirations our forbears had for security for the descendants, what we ended up with is Blackrock and insecurity for all

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You’re delusional Ridge. We pay fucking taxes all our lives & THAT annual illegal confiscation rape should be enough after I’m dead. Whatever I want done w/ my possessions including $$ is no longer the government’s business

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

This was done by the increasingly odious Churchill.

Death duties destroyed the greatest Empire in history.

Families are the most stable unit, far more so than ever changing government.

For social capital- the seed corn of our grandchildren- for social capital to accrue, it best does so along family lines.

The landed aristocrats of the Empire worked for little to no pay.

The economy was based on the seed capital they accumulated; debt was repaid to the nation of their countrymen, not a foreign bank or fictional State, a virtuous expanding circle, a springboard for both the Industrial and agricultural revolution.

Communism's purpose is to overthrow the monarchies, and the aristocratic class.

The pillar of identity and stability, and the well of seed corn and merit.

Income taxes, death taxes, and rising debt are communism's tool in a war without weapons against European civilization.

Communism springs from the original Great Replacement. An implacable force who takes what they did not build, twists and inverts it, and then promises that it is better than the original version they deride, a counterfeit.

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Well, one of the deepest human desires to help one's children. One would have to change human nature to get this whopper passed. But yes, any viable society need cooperation, not just competition. And in the modern industrial state, that means more than a little bit of socialism. Not Marxist of course, that's vicious, hateful and anti-nation.

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If children can inherit a place - that’s all they need, eh? A farm or ranch. And if no taxes are levied, they can improve their property and pass it on to their children but they must inhabit to keep it going generationally

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What?? Inherited assets are no different from inherited rule (monarchy)?! Balderdash! Don't you understand that the now-dead person -- oddly mute but indisputably smiling down from heaven -- retains the *freedom* to *choose* where their things-they-can't-take-with-them go? It's the very *essence* of capitalism!

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Tax the dead. Not the living. Seems simple to me.

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And the RICH dead have all manner of ways to shelter their assets that will go to their families & never be taxed

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Steal the grandkid's inheritance so you can buy loyalists for yourself, seems to me.

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This “solution” is rooted in envy, like all socialist policy. No one holds a gun to anyone’s head to buy from Amazon. It’s voluntary exchange. Bezos only gets rich by providing more value to his customers than the value of the cash in their pockets. If he didn’t, the exchange or voluntary transactions would not occur. To be jealous or envious of Bezos trying to provide more in product value for his customers with lower prices for them, this improving their quality of life is what socialists do. The original idea in the thread is seeded in envy and jealousy of what other people have accumulated, and displays a lack of understanding of what capitalism is.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

I'd allow some level of sentimental assets transfer. Of course, how the hell can one determine that (even assuming a well-running small-r republican process)? So, in the real world we live in, I'm guessing in the US a (current dollars) $5-10 million absolute cap per inheritance sum might be what could be agreed on, along with a true-inflation COLA following the law, and some kind of rock-solid pledge not to change the portions, by passing it as constitutional amendment. Of course, not likely happen in my lifetime, LOL.

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Guy writing the first comment needs his own blog so I can tune out! I read JHK for HIS thoughts!

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The US government, who fought the planned pipeline for years, claimed after its destruction, that Russia destroyed it. The same Russia who spent years and billions of dollars building it and negotiating with Germany and others over its utilization. They don't even try to make up plausible lies any more.

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Sad, but true. They aren't good at it, and their lies, from JFK's assassination to 9/11 are ludicrously lame, but with Nordstream they didn't even try. I guess they figure they've got us so well trained that they can insult us with a transparent lie and laugh among themselves afterwards.

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maybe it’s because they have a special department called the fairytale department that gets to produce private yachts with divers narratives as the culprits.

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Lucky Guess? The perpetrators announced it! Anyway, one of my far-out claims is that the US and Britain still consider German prosperity to be verboten. "Still" means as far back as the early 1900s when Britain was planning WWI. Comments welcome.

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Not a far out claim at all.

While Skillington pats himself on the back for his prediction powers he suggests preventing an alliance between Russia and Germany has "been a fundamental tenet of US foreign policy, inherited from the British Empire."

Uhm yeah, it's called the Atlantic Council.

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Founded in 1961. The British Empire was a bit earlier than that.

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Yes. You suggested we "inherited" this tenet from the British Empire and I'm suggesting the formation of the Atlantic Council just inculcated us into British notions of who should run the world. Hint: it isn't us – it's them. Always.

"We" didn't care much for foreign affairs until the Bolsheviks began WWI and there is little evidence that this is a "fundamental" tenet of US foreign policy because previous to that the US and Russia were allied in their hostility towards Great Britain.

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And those who created WWI called themselves "The Secret Elite."

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

Americans in, Germans down, and Russians out.

Mackinder's Heartland was based on the idea that land railroads would unite the northern and southern oceans, obviating the seapower nations' trade advantage over land-based powers.

When Bismark organized the chaotic fiefdoms of Germany into a self-sustaining industrial power building its own formidable navy, as well as German railroads competing with British rail all over the map, well, that mightily spooked the British, who suffer no competitors.

As well, Germans, Irish, and Irish-Scots far outnumbered the original Anglos in America, the French Bourbons and Catherine the Great threw in with us in the war of Independence and of 1812. The Brits, meanwhile, had succored the Confederacy. Since the Russian bureaucracy was mostly German anyways, had Russia and Germany (and Austro-Hungary) united, with American favor, the Balance of Powers would've been severely against the British.

Bonus: the Communists, funded by their Kapitalist brethren, would've never gotten off the ground.

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I was wondering…is the damage to the Nordstrom’s pipeline repairable? Or is it just going to stay broken forever?

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Probably cheaper to lay in a new section of the pipeline. Once the US gets its nose out of Russia-Europe business.

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NORDSTROM? THATS IS A DEPARTMENT STORE. And they happen to be supporting blm and the democrats. So if they were destroyed it wouldn’t be so bad. (Just sayn)

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Heh. Smartass. *grin*

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Both the older Nordstream 1 and the new unused Nordstream 2 consist of twin lines. We blew up both lines of Nordstream 1 and one of two of the Nordstream 2 lines. So one line is available but without any redundancy so the gas supply would be subject to interruption for turbine service for example. I have no idea if a storage facility on Germany’s side to even out the supply for incidental gas flow stoppage is feasible. Seems too risky to rely on that until the blown line is rehabbed/replaced.

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Was watching old school investor Jim Rogers on The Duran last week and his take on BRICS is very realistic.

The "falling" Dollar is still safer then a bunch of sub-par economies grouping together to form a currency. It's laughable to suggest it's a "juggernaut" at this point.

BRICS must provide value not just "we're the anti Dollar" which seems to be all that is on offer. The "basket" idea is ALL they can come up with to counter what the U.S. Dollar represents.

A smorgasbord of a bit of this and a bit of that from a variety of countries sounds highly unstable.

In any case IF they come up with a currency there won't be institutional investors taking a chance on a risky venture any time soon (see Bitcoin) And though it will take years it won't stop folk like you from salivating at the idea that the Dollar has collapsed.

Also I second Ron Anselmo.

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BRICS+ is fighting an infiltration war with the West, they are overwhelming the Western political systems. Money is worthless world wide, right now. The dollar is done, everybody else in the West goes down with it. BRICS+ is not only economic, it is military proxy fighting world wide. At least half of Ukraine will go into BRICS+ and if the USA does not support Israel, Israel may go BRICS+ and join with the rest of the Middle East via the Abraham accords. BRICS+ is a world reaction to the dominance of the USA for 70 years and will use all means necessary to shut the US down.

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Just a bit of proof is all you need for your hyperbolic claims:

• Fighting an inflation war with the West - How? Please explain. *They* are simply an acronym without structure at this point.

• If the dollar is done then why aren't banks, institutional investors and governments currently pulling their dollars out and investing elsewhere? Also, what currency is replacing it?

• "BRICS it's fighting wars world wide" - with what Army? Besides Ukraine and Israel where else?

• The worthless economies of Ukraine and Israel will might join - why would that matter?

Likely you can't answer any of these questions because you are just giddy with the idea that BRICS will "use all means necessary to shut the US down".

Tipped your hand. Your hate of this country is repulsive.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

The financial capital of the world is slowly shifting from the West (NYC and London) to the East (China). If the neocons' wet dream of an American Empire blunders us into WW3, a war we will lose, the shift will occur more rapidly.

As for the dollar losing status as the world's reserve currency, that will be more difficult to achieve. Most U.S. dollars are held overseas. Literally, in cash. It's the only major currency that has never been cancelled. That advantage, along with the fact that the world's most liquid and largest bond market is traded in dollars, means the reserve status is ours to lose.

That said, losing reserve status would be the best outcome for Americans like me who wish to see us get out of other countries internal affairs, whether political, economic or spiritual. I wish to see us stop using the dollar as a weapon to bring other countries to heel at our every wish and whim--from overthrowing governments to forcing abortion laws to flying rainbow flags. More importantly, it will help us to avoid foreign engagements, thus focusing our wealth and resources (the American people!) on solving our problems at home, instead of looking for them abroad.

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We can't afford to be the policeman of the world, but we keep trying. We spent over $6 trillion trying to impose our version of democracy on Iraq and Afghanistan but the region is less stable now than it was in the year 2000. Say what you want about Saddam Hussein but he did keep a lid on terrorism financed by Iran.

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Deana, friend, none are more patriotic than JohnAZ. He loves his country and hates what the government has become, as we all do. The Blob must die that the Country may live.

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Not this country, the Deep State. I put six years of military service into this country, what have you done? I do hate what the Left has done to this country, with a passion. And I have lots of company.

Infiltration war, not inflation. Look around you, you will see the infiltration war. No one is going to fight a superpower war, so what is BRICS+ to do. Just take over by displacing the current population.

Because there is not another currency that is as good, yet. BRICS+ is working on it own and Saudi Arabia has already stopped taking dollars exclusively. When oil is traded with currencies worldwide, the domination of the dollar is over. China and India are already buying gold in droves, I wonder why?

BRICS+ will not fight its own war, like NATO or SEATO, but its components will, such as China with Taiwan, or Russia supporting Iran or NOKO intimidating Japan.

So there are the answers to your giddy questions. Look around, you might find some powers closing in on the USA. But the biggest enemy of America is Amerika.

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You are eager to see the death of the Blob, and hope you live long enough to see it. I would be eager as well.

Have hope. The latest BRICS announcement re their summit is that they've given a timeline: 2 years and they should be off and running to the races.

Not as a replacement, mind you, but as a steadied foundation for what can become a multipolar replacement.

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Spiritual transformation - as in loving our own people first and foremost, and not feeling like we have to choose between warring Semitic tribes, much less letting ourselves be ruled by the one that has eliminated our Southern border.

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58 mins ago·edited 57 mins ago

My race is my religion: Arya for the Aryans. Skyrim belongs to the Nords!

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We follow Alex Mercouris, who discusses geopolitics. He was saying, during the days leading up to the Nordstream destruction, that Olaf Schultz was beginning to waffle. He had been to the US a few days before, if I recall.

Remember. The rhetoric was Five Months to take down Putin. It was well past 5 months, and winter was coming. I thought the EU was having second thoughts. If so, they had their choice scuttled with Nordstream.

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As a fellow Jew, thoroughly happy to have been born and raised in the United States, I find it similarly embarrassing and upsetting to find so many of my co-religionists in the forefront of the fight to destroy the system of government of the country that gave our ancestors refuge (not that most of them give a damn about the faith of their fathers, but that’s another issue). These people are mentally ill, but unfortunately are quite intelligent, and without much in the way of morals, so they can do a lot of damage. Their record, tragically, speaks for itself.

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They are Bolsheviks in Jewish clothing. Most sElected democRats are NWO and/or Bolsheviks.

We are in a 1918 Russian Revolution, at the end "political" stages before the Russian civil war breaks out ..... which Liberty lost, btw.

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The joy of tearing down White Christian nations is simply something they can't resist. Indeed their scripture demands that they cut down our sacred groves and throw down our high places.

"Civil rights" was one of their first gambits, at least openly.

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Their covenant with God was to be a servant to the world, to educate them about God commandments and stop the worship of other gods….other gods means serving the almighty dollar or working for the destruction of a country that allows freedom and opportunity to those who flee poverty or oppression. Most people living in America were not born here. My relatives all came from Italy in 1912 and all did extremely well in this country. My husband’s family all came from Russia and Ireland. The Russian fled persecution in Russia for being wealthy Jews, during the Russian Revolution and the Irish came here to escape poverty that England purposely did to them with the potato famine.

America is the jewel in the crown for the evil bastards of every creed. It just so happens all the names above were Jewish and shame on them. However The Clintons and the Bushes are worse. We will prevail though, I firmly believe God doesn’t want to destroy America.

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Anti-Jews in the USA have changed from Right Wing neo-Nazis to Pro-Islamists. The Dems support the Islamists because they are politically taking over the Rust Belt. The Jewish contingent in the Dem Party control its finances. Hahaha to them as they are supporting the party that supports American anti-semitism and anti-Israel activities. Really dumb!!!!!

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Roseanne Barr talks about fake jews vs. jewy jews like herself who all the fake jews really hate...

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Kudos to JHK for having the courage to 'go there'. I do see online that more and more people are noticing this anomaly - and not just in the area of lawfare, but other important power centers that have gone bad.

I feel like the only productive way to confront this problem is for the Jewish community itself to oppose these bad actors. The alternative - external opposition - invariably takes dark turns. No one here, I trust, wants to go down that road!

There are many patriotic Jews already in opposition of course. (Praeger and Mark Levin come to mind.) But overall, it doesn't seem to have much impact.

I'm a Gentile (that God loves, inexplicably, and thankfully nonetheless. lol!). I'm curious what Jews on this board think? Is there growing internal opposition?

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As time goes on, and it becomes clear that the Democrats and Leftists have thrown the Jews under the bus, there are more and more politically conservative Jews. We are also much more vocal than we used to be, because we realize that we’re no longer alone. By the way, for the most part, the split between politically conservative and politically liberal or Leftist Jews is correlated to how religious someone is. It is most certainly not a perfect correlation, but the more traditionally religious a person is, the greater chance that they are also politically conservative. This is because the values of traditional Judaism are the values upon which this nation was founded, and are the same values which the non-religious and Leftist Jews (and Leftists of all stripes) are trying their best to undercut and destroy.

It does my heart good to see people like Dennis Prager, Mark Levin, and Ben Shapiro out in full public view, condemning Leftism in all of its forms, but particularly condemning Jews for subscribing to this poisonous ideology. At least with them out there pushing more traditional Jewish and American values, the rest of us don’t look like a bunch of crazy and disloyal Leftists.

I will be honest, I simply do not understand how so many Jews can be on the far left portion of the political spectrum. A great number of American Jew are descended from Russian Jews, who know what Communism is, and one would expect them to oppose any ideology that was even remotely similar to it. As for me, Communismripped apart my paternal grandfather’s family, and Stalin’s NKVD brutally murdered one of my great grandfathers (when he was an old man suffering from cancer, no less). To say that I utterly despise communism, socialism, leftism, and all of their sister ideologies, is the understatement of the century.

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I can't understand it either. They are leftists first and Jewish in name only.

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I don't see the word "zionism" in this explanation. Is mere jewishness the rub or is it the grinding reality that the core of this aggressive attitude is what sours non-jews, this thing called "Zionism"? If I say I don't like Joe, why can somebody say I'm anti- his such and such religion? What the hell is a "hate crime"? Is it the reverse of a love crime? What constitutes hate anyway? If I kill somebody do I plead guilty to a love crime or a hate crime and will Merrick Garland differentiate those meanings by adjusting my incarceration duration depending which definition is chosen?

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

My take on why there are so many Jews on the left is that there's a seemingly reflexive fear of whatever dominant culture exists where they live. In American and the West, that used to be Christianity. Taking a sober view of our culture today, I don't think that's the case anymore.

Anything that opposes, or weakens, the dominant culture makes them feel 'safe' from oppression. And the Left is most certainly opposed to anything Christian (and Judaic by extension).

But I'd ask you, do Jews feel safer in the West now that Christianity has been so weakened?

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God’s promise to Abraham was that his offspring would totally inhabit the earth. The whole earth. The Jews of Judea, Jesus’ time, were just a small part of the world. God, Jesus, opened up western civilization to God through Peter and Paul. To the Jews of the world, sorry, in spite of yourselves, Jesus was your promised Messiah and continues to expand His world through Christianity and now Jews for Jesus. The Jewish leadership in 33AD was wrong, sinful, and greedy for power and they tried to kill Christianity through Jesus’ execution. Boy, did they screw up. God’s presence will take over the world, fulfilling His promise to Abraham, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

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there is a passage in Old Testament Scripture, where the Lord says... "they will look upon Me, Whom they have pierced..." taken in context, a knowledgeable jew will admit it is the Lord speaking... which of course always leads to the question:

"when did you pierce your God?"


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Can you see how this is threatening, and not in the least way assuring or inviting? After all, He came to them first, before us. Anyway:

"All the families on earth will be blessed through you [Abram]" Genesis 12

Pre-messianic Judaism (focused on Jews only) had to go 'supernova' at some point to realize this promise from God to encompass the Gentile world too.

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They are not mentally ill. They are very clever and dangerous people who work for Satan. They are willingly giving of their brains intelligence to destroy the country that gave them and their fellow citizens everything.

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Agree totally

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I find it very distressing that so many neocons have Jewish roots even if they are not religious. I don't understand why they would think that going to war with Russia would be good for the Jews.

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They've been blinded by the light.

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And they are psychopaths.

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14 mins ago·edited 3 mins ago

Tragic it is that the fat tail of the Overachievers is capable of punching much, much too far above its weight. Big Jew will ruthlessly use Little Jew, with as nonexistent a conscience as he has for the goy. Much worse, he will demand that his human shield defend his life and fortune with their own.

One thing I do stand amazed at is the reckless courage of those who make outrageous bets.

The isolated Merchant tradeposts in the most hostile of territories: Indian Country, or Africa.

The Soviet apparatchniks who eagerly gave each other up to torture, and death, in their competition. Yet, as one American noted, if you outsmart them, they will honor the deal, as you have passed the test. No backtracking, even if it costs greatly.

So odd, for a culture that has betrayed and destroyed every host civilization that has let them in since before the dawn of writing. (I don't mean that as insult, only a statement of fact, like noting the impact of Negroes on any society, even their own.)

More vexing still is that the Anglos have this betrayal by ruthless ambition, too, in their ethnos.

It is a vexation for any demographic, but the evidence seems to be that the Judaic influence amplifies it beyond all sustainable bounds. For instance, the greatest number of White (Caucasian) people causing problems for Whites is other Whites...who have subscribed to Judaic ways of thinking.

There it is, plainly put. You are a danger to our people. We can live without you, but you refuse to live without us.

Huzzah to Kunstler for broaching the Jewish Question, before it gets all Jews stomped. The Noticing is going mainstream! We mirror each other in our conflicted loyalties and mutual desire for peace. How do we both get control of our bad seeds, before they bring ruin down upon us?

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Okay, so they're Jewish lawyers on a jihad against the most free nation in human history -- are they just stupid? Useful idiots who don't think that the revolution will eventually turn against them too?

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Treason doth never prosper.

What's the reason?

For when it propsers,

None dare call it treason.

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Treason is as old as man, and knows no religion.

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Man lives by lies. It’s why mankind keeps repeating history.

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I said it years ago. The current lib stuff is jihad inside out. I am proud of my censorship. I got censored for posting a photo of my son's friend in the play Diary of Anne Frank. He was the Nazi police in the play. I took a photo and posted it with permission. I also got censored for a photo of confederate money. I also posted an article about Nathan Bedford Forest. My husband and I have a part time coin collectible business. I got censored for posting a stamp of dock worker Janis Lepke. Janis Lepke at first rescued communists in Latvia. He had a boat, and he would hide them on his boat because the government was throwing them in prison. Then when the Nazi took over, Janis Lepke actually went to the concentration camp in the dark of night and cut the fence wires and let people out. He and his children, and wife made a bunker under his barn. They were hiding people, and weapons, in the bunker and on his boat. He also spirited people away in stolen trucks. When he was under communism, he was smuggled out of the country to get an award in Israel. That's what I got censored for. These people are throwing out the Iliad, the Odyssey and putting in modern graphic novels and then they yell book banning when we object.

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Our current Feral Centralized Gov was born out of the CW that destroyed the States as counterbalances to DC. The American Empire blossomed after the South was destroyed. American Indians were next, then the Spanish American War and the Phillipine Insurrection made the Phillipines into an American Colony.

All I dvocate for is a True Republic instead of this USSA Tyrannical District of Criminals which is promoting World Wars.

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The incorporation of the USA during the Gilded Age destroyed, legally, much of the competitive part of capitalism, turning the economy into crony capitalism progressing into fascism. WW2? The USA (fascism) fighting Germany (fascism) along with England (fascism) with the help of Russia ( fascism-Marxism) with the USA (fascism) fighting Japan (fascism). Huh? WW2 was not fought to protect anyone from fascism. It was fought to protect oil production and distribution.

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The greatest con job in history was that we were fighting to preserve democracy. We fought to preserve the Deep State.

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Back in the roaring 20's, the Italian jews worked under the jews, they learned their skills from the likes of Arnold Rothstein. Most Americans are unaware of this factoid and most Americans don't know the jews were the main cog in the capture and shipping of Africans for the slave trade, but now it's not considered in the proper light. Indentured Scotch and Irish were the main volume of slaves during the period 1600-1800. However, the DEI people have it bass ackwards insisting on the odious misnomer called white supremacy.

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Much fascism, eh? There is absolutely no way to keep the two spheres separate. Politics and economics are born together. This becomes more obviously true in the centralized, modern industrial state - though it was true before that in a deep sense.

Evidence of heavy fighting has been found in the oak groves of ancient California. Some chiefs decided they were worth fighting for, to either take or to keep. Why? Acorns. Excellent protein. So there you have a political decision about economics.

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Uh-0h, do we agree on something?

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I wonder, is the Constitution workable under an educated agrarian lifestyle, but unsuitable for the urban megapolis we have today?

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The defeat of the American Indians was absolutely necessary. They were in our way. If you don't understand this much, you don't understand anything. The word for world is war.

But only up to a point. No need to be more brutal than necessary. It harms our essential nature.

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Look into the Cristeros war in Mexico in the 1920's. The USA promoted the communists and it destabilized Mexico. They communists nailed churches shut. People got shot and it was horrible. The USA policies caused people to migrate. They wanted the cheap labor and didn't care that these people died. If you look at the mining death index. They were at the top of the list for death. All the other immigrants were pretty high up there too.

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WOW, thanks for the info on Janis Lepke. I never knew!

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Fantastic appreciate the research and calling out these rotten scoundrels

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Democracy. Nobody has one. Nobody. And that's not just me talking. Don't believe me? Fine. That's a Greek Philosopher, Heraclitus, talking.

In a democracy the people vote and vote all the time. The people are the deciders. In a republic the people vote once for the person who will do all their deciding for them. Just an FYI: Democracy scared the crap out of Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson thought democracy rule by the mob. Consider our elected-for-life, professional politicians "the mob."

The United States is not a democracy. The United States is (not anymore) a Constitutional Republic that has some . . . SOME . . . democratic privileges (which have all been revoked).

This business of "saving the world for democracy," is like saving the world for something that does not exist. Not only is democracy a fiction, not only is democracy a lie, democracy is a damned lie.

Democracy, the way the word is being used today is nothing more (or less) than what a lying, cheating, two-timing, cold-hearted, mean-spirited, home wrecking, Fascist, pig-faced, goonist regime, calls itself.

I don't know why nobody sees things for what they are. The one thing that used to set the United States apart from the rest of the world was its ability to tell itself the truth.

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The greatest enemy of democracy is the people’s indifference and apathy. The greatest enemy of a republic is the same. Our representative body has just quit doing its job, leaving the executive branch to govern via the EO scratch pad. Think of the two causes of the autocratic change, immigration of socialist “soldiers” from around the world and “indoctrination, not education”. The autocratic “troops” are in place. The facade that is the 2024 election may just be a rubber stamp for the ascent of the dictatorship.

Also, this election may be anointing the person that history will be blaming for the descent of the USA into hell.

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You don't get it.

"Our representative body has just quit doing its job" how about NO representatives? How about trying a direct democracy one where each person's vote actually counts?

"Also, this election may be anointing the person that history will be blaming for the descent of the USA into hell." That already happened. His name was Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

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If Covid taught me anything, it is that 85% of my fellow countrymen are easily stampeded into believing anything. 6’ of social distancing? The vaccine is 100% effective? One way grocery aisles? God, please save us from a democracy.

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Fdr wasn’t blamed for anything, he has been canonized

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Yeah, let's vote on scientific questions too. There is no knowledge, only opinion.

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Lugh, good statement. The Left only votes on emotions anyway. Science is wasted on them.

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C’mon Deana, get a clue. We cannot even run an election fairly in this country. Do you really think that the people of this country could run a pure democracy. We can’t even run a republic. Like the Romans, we have allowed the Mob, the bureaucracy and the apathetic public to destroy the republic. Rome “fixed” the disorder by dividing itself up and running the show with governors and the Emperor. Look where the US is right now, who is going to be Julius Caesar?

What is coming will make 1929- 1932 look like a cake walk? TLE.

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C'mon John, get a clue.

This grotesque governmental overreach into all aspects of our lives leads to the indifference and apathy. I'm rather with what Neema Parvini lays out in his book "The Populist Delusion" as the reality of things. I'm not so certain that we "allowed" for anything and this is just the way it usually goes. Cycles but not the same.

As far as the idea of direct democracy I believe it only scales to the city or barely state level and ideally in-person with verification or some kind of block chain concept. We certainly are seeing the crumbling of all centralized systems so I imagine at some point the idea of what to prioritize will change. We will have to endure lots of system failure before reaching that point however.

I don't like the notion of "leaders" that are elected because those that are attracted to running for office are likely to be there for the perceived power and fame that only those with personality disorders seek. It's what the "Controllers" love about the concept because it means these "leaders" are controllable and easily compromised.

Imagine we vote for the priorities of our communities and "administrators" who meet the qualifications run the projects?

We could then save elections for ceremonial positions much like a Prom King or Queen. It's really what these politicians are anyway. Uglier versions of course.

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The bureaucracy controls Washington, DC and laughs at the elected officials. They know that four years from now, it may all be different. So do not hitch your horses to that wagon.

I think we agree more than not, as I said, my problem is not with America and its people. It is with the crooks that inhabit the Deep State. Let me ask you this, do you think the average elected official in Dc thinks they represent the people who elected them,, or consider them the enemy that they have to meet and greet with every 2-4 years.

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Let me re-frame your question.

Do representatives go to Washington DC to represent us or those that pay for their campaigns? Since it's usually it's the malleable, craven and compromised who run for office easy to see how they're controlled to do the bidding of their corporate sponsors.

Some in the majority that don't participate in voting understand this. Blame and shame won't change that.

Frankly I'm really not interested in putting too much energy into complaints about the status quo and much more interested in rethinking different structures and systems for governance. A reduction of the influence of the centralized governmental structures would be a good start.

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The last sentence is exactly what is going to happen, if he survives 4 years which I doubt

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Lots of people with bills to pay know the score but they are hamstrung by the realities of making money to support the family and ya gotta do what ya gotta do, right?

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Democracy doesn't really scale beyond a city-state voting on things like whether to issue bonds to support an upgrade to the sewage system.

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Exactly. We are witnessing the collapse of large centralized systems everywhere as they naturally become bankrupt. I mean we can see how it can go if you are a fan of our hosts books. I'm much more a fan of true anarchy - no rulers - but it's also a concept where scale is an issue.

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When two people live in the same house, decisions need to be made between the two, power decisions. When two groups of people live in the same city, power decisions have to be made, the role of government. Our government is so biased to one side that it no longer functions to quell divisions. Government and its judiciary component must be neutral making decisions based on “science”. Logic and best guess, mostly the latter. Right now, two examples of the incompetence of this Deep State today are Covid and climate change, both so biased to the Left,ie government control, that the government is dysfunctional.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Sounds about right. So now what?

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Good question. I have no answers. In retrospect, I should have spent the 1980s back when I was young and strong acquiring a martial skillset and helping communities start paramilitary and first response units. But then I'd probably be in prison instead of posting anonymously on the internet.

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We're roughly the same age. I wouldn't have approached it the same way you did (and don't mean to judge it), but for a while I did have an interest (as a career) in reforming the output side of mass media. While absorbing myself in that, I didn't process history soon enough to realize that a totalitarian tsunami was building, and in fact long underway. I think we're now 'well and truly fucked' by forces likely outside anyone's or group's control, and can only look forward to a dim chance of coming out alive on the other side of the approaching black hole.

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I don't have a martial background and hope I didn't imply that, other than a short and totally unglamorous stint as a reservist. But like I said in retrospect I sure would have approached it differently.

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We are most likely going to have to suck it up and put on our big boy and girl pants and use that 2A for what it was intended, as unsavory as that sounds its a whole lot better than just bending over for these azzhats to laugh at us and continue to make a mockery of our country.

The tree of liberty……….

You know the drill

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Bravo Jim for pointing out who some of the major instigators of this current anti-Semitism really are. When the only Jews the average guy outside of urban areas ever sees (on TV) are these liars, it isn't hard to see how the haters are able to steer sentiment. I would add Ratskin and Goldman to the top of your list.

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Nope. Anti-semitism gives jews the onus and self- perceived rectitude to launch aggressive actions against the perps. Zionists recognize the value of anti-semitism and sprinkle it liberally on their dinner plate. Really now, when's the last time a 6pm talking head on the news talked about the business whereby Israeli troops invoked the Hannibal doctrine that led to many more murders than Hamas? Have the Israeli gunship troops that fired on their own settlers been adequately debriefed with freedom to tell the absolute truth about the incident?

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What's worse than a bus full of lawyers going off a cliff? A bus with one empty seat.

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Hard to believe religion means anything to the law fare gang. America is becoming where religion goes to die. Materialism, digitism, politicalism are the religions of the land. The bad guys are winning.

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Is Zionism a "religion" or a political strategy/ philosophy hiding behind the Hologram of "Jewishness". Remember the Mossad motto: " By deception we will do warfare" , a fitting motto for the MASTERS of deceit.

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It's an ethnicity and that has been the primary meaning for a long time. If you want to live in Israel, they're not going to ask if you believe or practice, but what your mother's maiden name is or was.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

May God have mercy on us because we sure need it. As I said before, we are much farther down the rabbit hole than any of us imagine.

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Amd there are many who are just plain oblivious to any of this and wave it all off as conspiracy theory, too wrapped up in their own minds and insignificant little lives to realize that this stuff is happening, its real, and its going to take everything from us anyway if we dont take a stand and beat it to a pulp

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Truest statement ever typed.

We're WAY down the rabbit hole and trying to get out.

Yes, may God have mercy on this nation.

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Zues, Allah, Yahweh or Thor, Cheryl?

What have ANY "Gods" done for the meek in the Middle East for the last 365-days?


Either they do not give a shit OR most likely they do not exist!

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Would take more than a comment section to explain. All that would do is create an opportunity to argue and I’m not interested

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It makes me sick that most of Lawfare are Jews.

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And makes absolutely no sense

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I don’t get it either. The only explanation is that probably they are Red Diaper babies. My best friend told me her parents were Communists when she was growing up. Her mother finally escaped but not her Dad. She grew up in the Bronx and never bought the garbage, but plenty Commie Kids grew up as Cpommie adults. How many of the 60s radicals were Jews?

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I feel your fear JK. Its not hard to imagine, if things get real dicey, to the point of hunger and comfort, it will be easy for an individual to arise in the public politic, that will point to "those Jewish lawyers and porn owners and business owners" as the known culprit of the public's pain, and that pointing will morph into a statement of "ANY JEW". A frenzy towards a group like that has happened in the somewhat recent past. These people are not "Jewish" in the sense most jews have towards faith. They are Talmudic Zionists, where they fully endorse the belief that ANYONE but them are lower than dogs, and can be destroyed at their whim. (their work is on full display in the middle east) Most of the lawyers we see destroying America are just minions of these prevented individuals. (Soros, Rothschild)

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Andy, what proof can you provide that the Jewish lawyers Jim listed are "Talumdic Zionists"? But first, what does that phrase even mean?

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You're just pretending that you don't know. Try arguing honestly and you might gain more respect.

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Never heard that phrase before, and it's gibberish, besides. The Talmud is a collection of arcane arguments between rabbis from centuries ago. Where does it directly address the re-establishment of the State of Israel (which was spearheaded in the twentieth century by non-religious Jews and Christians)?

Can anybody answer my question as to what is meant by "Talmudic Zionism" and how this label belongs on each member of the list of Jewish lawfare lawyers?

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My God, Paul. Have you read the Tulmud? Your question is answered in your initial reading!

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No, Carily, I haven't read the Talmud, except snippets here and there. It's a ball of confusion - certainly not the Word of God. So what is "Talmudic Zionism" and how does this label apply to the Jewish lawfare lawyers? I'm beginning to think none of you who ascribe to this charge have any idea of how to answer my sincere and legitimate questions and/or you're simply afraid to.

I do know the secular definition of Zionism and the Biblical one, by the way, and can relate those to whatever anyone here who has for an answer to my questions.

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Arguments that are taken very seriously by many important people. Netanyahu among them.

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Every policy has a slippery slope. It could go too far. It could be abused. There's no way to ensure against bad outcomes even from good legislation. That's no reason to avoid action or argument intended to reduce the overwhelming dominance of Jews in our economy, politics and culture.

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Wait, what? The Talmud is the primary scripture of the Pharisee sect. The Torah and the Prophets are interpreted through its cracked, dirty lens. The Pharisee sect survived the diaspora far better than the others did. Almost all of modern Judaism stems from the Pharisees. Modern liberal Judaism quietly renounces much of it, but their rabbis still study it to some degree. And some of the bad attitudes persist even among these people.

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Even more important, Lugh, is the ongoing attitude about their Messiah, our Lord. They still continue to deny His deity, still believe that God wants them to just follow the Law, man-made rules by old rabbis, instead of Loving God first and their fellow man second. To some Jewish leaders, Jesus is still a criminal. They consider the one person in history who has the real secret to Man overcoming himself as a criminal because acknowledgement of His deity puts them out of a job.

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You know all this yet you still support them to the hilt. You missing the capstone and your two arches (psychological complexes or systems) don't connect.

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I suspected this could not go on forever. I'm afraid it is much more serious than the current crop of Jewish lawyers. Jews have completely undermined American culture, through control of media, finance and academia. There are clearly many people who like what they have done. And, they get applause from those people. The odd thing is that JHK is obviously not one of them, but to recognize that most of the things he hates, had their beginnings with Jewish intellectuals (Frankfurt School, etc., there is a very long list of names). Why? Among many Jews there is a deep suspicion of the concept of the nation-state. Because of the strong separatist ideology of Judaism, many are not assimilated, and this is a contributor to the animosity that Jews have experienced for centuries.

So, destroy the nation state and make countries 'safe'. Construct a purely civil society (the problem is the rules they have developed for that society are degenerate ... I don't know exactly why that is).

In any case, I've always felt it was a shame that JHK has to dance around these issues, and is consciously or unconsciously blind to them. He is in the same boat as some other well-known figures, that can identify the problem, beautifully I might add, but cannot address the source.

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You forgot one of the most costly sectors that is dominated by this particular tribe….the DOD…..the empires merchants of death.

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President Trump has "a soft spot" for the Clintoons. He has avoided any accountability from them to this day. Trump has just marginally, negatively mentioned Obama.

While I will Vote For Trump, "What have I got to lose" ??? But realistically 50/50 is most optimistic that a 2nd Trump Administration digs out the Real Traitors & Criminals.

Presidents are subsevient to the Intel Deep State 4th Branch of Feral Gov. just the Reality of this USSA.

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9 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Just as in his first term, Trump isn't going to accomplish anything (assuming he's selected by TPTB to win this year). Even if he has the intent of reform, he (and his closest still-unjailed associates) are just not smart enough, or connected enough / powerful enough to call in enough yuuuuge favors). Another round of invisible moles in the White House will, again, persuade him to turn anything truly important 180 degrees. There will be plenty of red meat to concede to his voters to make them *think* he's accomplishing something. But he's not. He's an (apparently unwitting) GloboCap tool.

Trump's role is as designated scapegoat for the NPC so-called "Left" to target its huge reserves of hate of the disconnect between their perceived "good society" and reality. A good scapegoat is very important to have for this, otherwise, who knows what else that hate might target... He's been this scapegoat ever since the DNC + MSM channeled him to the 2016 nomination. He's a showman, and his show must go on.

He's just what the propaganda doctor ordered, which is why he's been headline news nearly every day for 9 years.

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Kennedy, Vance, Musk, and Vivek, just to name a few, aren't smart enough? They're all unwitting dupes? You don't have a clue what's going on.

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Trump has learned a lot in during the past 4 years, the interregnum period. I'm with you Paul with your choice of outstanding soldiers that can be put in place to change our nation's trajectory. There are many more. The Deep State actors won't go down easy, and I pray that Trump will come in hard and fast and set in motion a transition to a more perfect union.

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Yes, the way I put it in a recent letter is that if Trump wins, it will be a hard fight with hope of better things. But if the machine of evil gets Harris the steal, the punishment will be severe. Either way, there is no union with darkness. "Can two walk together if they are not agreed?"

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LOL. Yeah, the trajectory of the last 75 years is now gonna turn on a dime. No, I don't trust ANY of them -- whether or not, and how, each is duped or not or partially. What we're facing is far more powerful than these individuals. I'm certainly examined the way things have been going for enough decades to know that.

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If it took 75 years, especially the last 30 to get us here, it will take the same to get us back to the America of the 1950s. Trump is just a start, his inability to change much in his first term is just an indication of how long it will take, if we have little resistance from the socialists.

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By the way, when you point to the "1950s", make sure to point out the real reasons for that, or as you must know you'll be instantly smeared with "racism" etc.: It was a society of trust (i.e. without normalized lying); noblesse oblige (elites at least pretended to value the rest of the people); social functioning and cohesion, even where siloed by (actual) racism.

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I can endorse that. But the trajectory for the time being remains firmly downward.

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You're all over the place with your characterizations and conclusions, which are nothing but naked cynicism. You know nothing but your own negativity and inabilities.

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"nothing but naked cynicism"

No. I'm increasingly aware of where faith can, and cannot, be placed in the death throes of an empire. Just because Trump (and his team) is the only "Hail Mary" pass available today doesn't mean he's anywhere near adequate. We're going through hell first, and whatever constructive things we may continue to do, we need to brace for impact -- first, by dropping the rose colored "HOPE <3" glasses.

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It's not a "Hail Mary," it's a night and day choice between good and evil. And who said there isn't hell to pay? Why do you assume that I or others think the right choice doesn't entail hardships and difficulties? Was the Revolutionary War a cakewalk? I have news for you, though - the American Empire was never meant to be the end-all in God's plan. All empires have failed and were destined to fail, as foretold by His prophets.

But what comes in its place now? That's what I'm fighting for, and I know for sure my hope is not in vain. The Truth will prevail.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

As you know, the constituents of the Democratic Party side have lost to this con twice in barely three decades, and now apparently to a *third* one in 2024. This time labeled "JOY", but led by two bobbleheads instead of (arguably) competent people.

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Absolutely spot on! Its kabuki theatre for the bewildered herd and the intense polarization between the pitchfork crowd and the torch crowd is a demonstration of the success of the overlords. Keep the infighting lest they finally look behind the curtain.

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"They are disgracing the rest of us American Jews and putting us in danger."

That's like saying a few Germans, like Adolf Hitler and his merry band of Nazis, disgraced the rest of the German People. They did, and more. Germany no longer exits. A whole country committed suicide out of shame and humiliation. Can you say "Final Solution?" Can you say "Nord Stream?" Can you say "Genocide?" Can you say "Chosen People?"

The same fate is befalling the rest of Western Civilization, even as we aren't allowed to speak, forbidden to, in fact.

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Chosen people? That is a laugher. Every brand is human society labels itself as the Chosem People. That is the result of ethnocentrism, an in borne trait of the human species.

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Yeah, what happened to Whites? We used to think we were It. Easy, they beat it out of us. Now we worship our replacements. People like you worship the people who beat it out of them. Others worship Muslims. Anything or Anyone rather than making ourselves the center of our lives like normal, healthy people must do.

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The Left will worship anyone who will vote for them.

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I beg to differ! c.2500-year-old identical copies of their book saying *quite specifically* they were chosen by God have now been discovered in (modern-day) Norway, Chile, Madagascar, Alaska, and East Timor, in each location's native language. You know, rather than just coming directly from them.. which would -- unfairly, of course -- look suspect: "Here's our book. Note, in it God says we are to inherit everything from you." *Waddya mean* you never heard that story?? A great story is *true* no matter how accurate it is!

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That's God's call, not yours, John. In fact, being chosen is part of the reason the Jews are identified collectively by the world, more so than any other people.

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God’s call? The Judean Hebrews under the Sanhedrin so screwed up God’s intentions that He sent Jesus to try to square things away,

The Sabbath was made for Man , not Man for the Sabbath. Jesus taught that love and Compassion were more important than allegiance to a Man Made Law system. It was the core of Paul’s ministry. It is the difference between Judaism and Christianity. Grace before Works.

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God intended the Jews to “fertilize” the world with His presence and Goodness. He dispersed the Hebrews over and over to spread the Word. Instead, over and over, the Hebrews joy pulled God back into themselves, isolating themselves, making themselves God’s Chosen people.

You would think that after getting beaten up so many times, they would have a clue about God’s true intentions.

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You reveal that you also don't have a clue about God's true intentions, John, or your own corrupt nature.

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Simple question, why do you think you have the Truth? I am an advocate for the ability of Jews to worship as they will, to have a homeland. I just feel really bad that they passed up the best deal God ever sent them. And, with the exception of a few really smart ones, still do pass Him up.

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"You would think that after getting beaten up so many times, they would have a clue about God’s true intentions.."

Yeah, I know what you mean. It's pretty clear that Jews, generally speaking, can be pretty stupid, as they have just never carefully examined all the obvious truths in the Good News.

Have you ever tried to talk it out? That is, with one of them who is willing to be interrogated, instead of cowardly running away (hint: they can be condescending when doing so)? You know, take to resolution, when he/she can *finally* see the light? God will so bless you if you just stick it out!! Even if, say, you're bashed in the head with a 2x4 while getting sworn at, you *know* you will be rewarded for your courage -- and, above all, faith.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Zues, Allah, Yahweh or Thor, John?

What have ANY "Gods" done for the meek in the Middle East for the last 365-days?


Except start all this genocide in the first place. Remember the Amalekites.

Either they do not give a shit OR most likely they do not exist!

"Religion poisons everything!" - Christopher Hitchens. Never truer words spoken.

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