Morning Jim, thanks as always.

Not understanding how a hurricane traverses over 500 miles across land, without breaking up. Watch the radar. Storms are fed by the vortex pulling surface water from the ocean surface. Native Floridian - seen probably over 100 storms - never seen that before. Admittedly though, I'm not up on the latest HAARP updates.

On the non-response to Hurricane Helene in WNC - going as far as forbidding private search and rescue and private delivery of relief supplies - the larger message is clear and intentional. The lack of response is to keep the people discouraged and demoralized. It casts a pall of negative energy over the people, making them dependents of the state.

People helping each other, becoming independent and self-sustaining, is empowering and creates positive energy. Thus, they become enemies of the state. Fuck the state. We don't need them. The sooner we realize that the better off we'll be.

Time to put the blinders on, put our heads down and get to work. God bless the folks in Appalachia.

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Many of us have long despised the feds and the burdens and controls they put on us.

Now, the lesson that "we don't need them" is becoming clearer by the day, espec with the thugs running things right now.

Between open borders, their playing loose with our legal system as lawfare, inaction in assisting our fellow citizens (helene), etc etc... they're not only tyrannical, they're downright dangerous.

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GOVERNMENTsteria: Best FEMA Memes

FEMA = Funnelling Emergency Money to Aliens. Let them have $750, when seconds count (FEMA is weeks away), FEMA won't rescue you (and will make sure nobody else does either) and more FEMA memes!


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And that $750 has to be repaid or they face property confiscation.

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How fucking convenient!

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I saw the radar images. Sure looks like direct energy weapon to me. Shades of Hurricane Erin on 9/1/1.

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…..and Ian! 2022. HAARP/EMF driven

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Actually folks,

It's driven by the NexRad stations

that are ALL OVER the country.

For specific information,

go to:


and listen to Dean Wigington

who does a one-hour broadcast

every Saturday on YouTube

The Direct Energy Weapons (DEW)

were used in Lahaina, Hawaii

and Paradise, California

and possibly other places

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I’ve followed DW for about ten years on this, yes.

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Helene was a tropical storm when it reached Ashville, the recorded wind speed was 45 mph.

But there was a LOT of rain in a very short period of time over mountainous terrain.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

Also don't be confused by the fake news about increased number of hurricanes, the trend for the last 100 years is still flat. However they have changed the ways that they measure wind speed and also the use of untested models which overall make things seem worse than they are. This was a rare event, but it's not going to turn into a regular event.

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And then there was Milton. The Gulf is definitely warmer and staying warmer deeper into the autumn. Heck, Phoenix is too, it will STILL be 100+ this week. More heat, more energy. More uplift, more rain, more wind, more storm surge and slower abatement over land. It is not rocket science. The retention of more heat energy later in the season is the key, whether it is on sea or land. Storms are on the boundary between cold and warm air. As the north cools down in fall, if the south retains heat, which it is, the gradient between the two increases, intensifying the storms following the jet stream. BTW, look at the backwards moving Milton. Following the jet stream boundary between the Gulf air and an arctic front, it looks like another ball buster. Watch out, Tampa and watch out Charleston if it makes a left turn like Helene. TWC is calling Milton a 100 year storm.

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Milton won't even go in as a CAT 4. The worship of weather gods was supposed to have gone out with the Age of Enlightenment but 24x7 hype has brought it back full force. Sad.

The temperature of the earth has been decreasing for thousands of years. Good, God, read a book.

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Milton will not go in a a category five? Are you disappointed? It was just announced it is now a cat 5. The storm surge will destroy downtown Tampa if it hits right. It will clobber mid-Florida, and that includes Disney World. It is all being evacuated as we speak today. Good God, get your head out of the book and just look around, long term may be cooling but it is getting hotter now. Science does not have a clue why, neither do you. In the meantime, we are breaking hundred + records here. And the storms are getting more intense.

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It is a 5 now but will go in as a weak 4 or strong 3 according to forecasts. You hyper-ventilators and storm masturbators are the ones that get so disappointed when someone disputes the holy word of climate priests who've brainwashed you into believing the hoax. "Just look around." Yeah, that's how science works. You ever think that maybe "it's getting hotter now" comes from the same people, NASA, who were caught manipulating climate data? And, no, we are not breaking 100 year records at any faster clip that they've been broken in the past.

You know, funny thing about a lot of those old records. They indicate it got pretty damn hot here and there a long time ago, huh? And where are all of these thermometers that show "how much hotter it is now"? Maybe a bit too close to cities? Yep. That's been show to be major factor in the overly high readings. Funny how just forty years ago scientists who are still alive today forecasted gloom and doom over the next impending ice age. The covers of Time magazine are littered with them. I guess that didn't sell enough electric cars, though. Time to change course.

People like you will see what they are influenced to see both by their own ego, bias, belief system and people pushing propaganda for their own purposes. I'm looking at things logically, not emotionally.

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One more fact. Hurricanes that follow other hurricanes path weaken as they follow or cross the previous storm’s path. Why, because the previous storm has sucked a bunch of heat out of the oceans making less available for number 2.

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CentCom is in Tampa. Just sayin'...

Whoever is on the HAARP joystick may want to toggle left or right...

Or maybe not, depends on intent I suppose...

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Friends in Marshall & Swannanoa say different. Watch the radar. The storm formation - with an eye and counterclockwise rotation - stays intact - 500 miles over land. Never seen that before.

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Hint: Manmade........

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Never seen before, at least in the past 200 years or so.


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Counterclockwise? Really?

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Think of the uplift from the Appalachians wringing out the declining storm. Asheville was clobbered by rain.

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I was only talking about the wind speed. Radar does not equal wind speed. Wind speed is what makes the difference between a tropical storm and a hurricane. However 50 miles west of Ashville, the wind was over 60 mph, which was to be expected on that side of the storm.

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Yirgach - the friends I mention above are still encamped up in the mountains, self-sufficient - they'll be fine. They know their terrain and wind speeds. I'll take their word over any hearsay - anything I hear or read.

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Ron - Your friends were very fortunate to be camping in high terrain as they missed the major brunt of the storm, like the extreme rain which caused havoc in the valley rivers and towns.

The Ventusky.com weather page has the ability to go back in time for any statistic, like wind, rain, satellite, etc. Very useful for looking at what happened.

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Yirgach - not camping, encamped. They're tucked away, off-grid, 60KW solar capacity topped off batteries, with generator backup if needed. Plenty of other necessities. Talked with them the morning after the storm.

They may have been the only ones in Buncombe County, with power and Sat Phones. You see, they've done what most talk about doing. Again, they'll be fine.

Thanks for the site reference, I'll check it out. You know the site data can be manipulated, right? On-the-ground, word of mouth, not so much.

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And it was flooding that was the problem. Two things contributed, one the uplift of the mountains causing upslope conditions which wrings out storms and second, the soil in mountains is shallow and only absorbs a small amount of rain before running off. Now multiply that by a jillion streams and rivers. Was there a guy named Noah building a ship around Asheville?

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And there had been some serious rain in the days previous.

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Yes. I read it was only a Category 1, while the media kept parroting it was a 4. Nope.

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Dane Wigington, on Greg Hunter Rumble channel, said the rain was DRIVEN to them thar hills.

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Check out Dane Wigington and GeoengineeringWatch.org. Explanation for management of a hurricane using electrically charged nanoparticles and radio waves. Like, this was a manmade storm, government as the killer.


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Hurricane Helene last week, now this week comes Hurricane Milton, which jumped from the Pacific Ocean, over Mexico and headed in the wrong direction into the Gulf of Mexico. This can't possibly happen! (At least not as a natural storm.) However, the boys at HAARP with the DEW Weapons have been busy destroying Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee.

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Hey Jim.....best column evah!!!!

Apparently the Cajun Navy is going all in. They now have access to helicopters. Goddess bless these brave volunteers.

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Look at the track of Hurricane Agnes in 1972. It did tremendous damage to central, northcentral, and southwestern New York State and Pennsylvania. It came ashore in Florida at the same spot as Helene. 52 years ago. Most of the area never recovered, including Wilkes-Barre PA. If you don't understand how it traverses 500 miles, look at the historical record and learn.

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Have another drink. Agnes looped east out over the Atlantic Ocean - restrengthened over water before driving back north and west into NY & PA.

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Hey, remember Sandy. Both of them had uplift from the mountains behind the Fall line on the coast and were flooding events.

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What soul rot possesses you to start out a reply to a factual comment with an insult. Can you be civil and polite? Not possible, with cretins.

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"If you don't understand how it traverses 500 miles, look at the historical record and learn." ~ Martini Heideggar

Word up. Everybody likes a little ass, but nobody likes a smart ass.

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Try to be nice. We can’t be quarreling over this, we have a national to save.

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Send that sentiment to Wash, DC who does not give one damn about the victims, just immigrants.

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It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. Mark Twain

Everything you know is wrong.

The Firesign Theatre

Last week my dear friend John and I had what may have been the last of many years of weekly lunches together. Not for the first time, we had failed to keep every trace of political reference out of our reliably-avid conversation, and John can’t take it any more.

To be clear: I have no problem with vigorous, even strenuous debate, whether with friends or strangers. Having long ago rejected the Official Narrative about our country, I have had no choice but to either call bullshit or have to listen to it. But John, like so many liberals in these times, is a political snowflake – fragile, unique (or so he thinks) and easily threatened with melting.

This time I screwed up by mentioning that the evening before I had seen a clip of the first cabinet meeting held by Joe Biden in the year 2024. Seated at the side of a long table among the cabinet secretaries, he slurred the meeting to order, and immediately turned its management over (illegitimately) to Jill, at the table’s head.

John’s reaction was revealingly twofold: he doubted that what I reported had taken place (as if he couldn’t possibly fact-check it, himself) and interpreted my anecdote as a criticism of the Biden-Harris administration, which is to say an expression of opposition to having Kamala as President.

For those of us who have gradually learned over the course of years or decades that everything we are told is a lie, that the United States is not a Democracy, that those who rule us are unelected and can’t be deposed, these givens are a dismal fact of life, but not a revelation. For people like John, they are an appalling shock that can’t be reconciled with what they think they know about the world. For many, even parting company with old friends is preferable to having their comfortable, if illusory, world shattered.

Before reaching the sad conclusion that we can’t meet for lunch any more, John and I had several exchanges which were revealing. He said that he “can’t figure out what I believe” - which is silly, because every time I have ever tried to tell him what I believe he panics, and doesn’t want to hear it, because it is too threatening. He also insisted that he “is not a Democrat, but an Independent.”

This took me a bit longer to parse, because I already regarded both political parties as poison when I first became eligible to vote, and have been registered as an Independent for over a half century. For much of that time “Independent” was a fair description of my opposition to a succession of rotten presidents, from Nixon and W, to Clinton and Obama.

But the Reds and Blues have gradually coalesced into the Uniparty, necessarily distinguished by embracing different tenets of divisive identity politics, but in comfortable agreement over deficit spending, endless wars, and ever-increasing control of our lives as citizens.

John assiduously studies the mainstream media, believing that he has become “informed” by the likes of the NYT, WaPo, NPR, BBC, MSNBC, etc. As the computer geeks say, “Garbage In/Garbage Out.” If all you know is the narrative parroted in obedient unison by those tools of the Uniparty, you are independent of nothing.

If you had awakened yesterday after a century in suspended animation, and knew nothing of contemporary politics, it would be possible to construct a reasonably accurate worldview from harder-to-find independent media including, of course, James Kunstler’s invaluable blog. But how can an old man hope to have any clue about what the hell is going on, if his mind is already filled with a meticulously crafted false narrative, leaving no room for Truth?

It saddens me that I won’t get to visit with my friend over lunch this week, but our present rift has probably only hastened the inevitable by a month or so. Because if Mr. Trump prevails in next month’s election John won’t want to face reality; and, if we wake up to find that Kamala has been declared President, he damned sure will not want to hear what I have to say.

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Thanks for your comment as I am in the exact same situation with some friends and even my adult children.

The saddest thing is that there is no way we an ever win the argument with these deluded fools simply because there is no objective basis, no facts that both sides can rely on to make our points.

If I tell my sister that there are probably 20 million illegals that have been brought in, she simply says that BS, not true. I can cite any number of articles, videos, etc. and she says, nope, all lies.

Same thing with the adult children, now in their 50s when I argue with them about phony man made "climate change." I can provide them with articles from some of the top physicists, engineers, scientists in the world that prove "climate change" is a hoax and CO2 is actually necessary for life on earth, but they say, not that's all bogus, those are not "real" scientists.

And the beat goes on.....

I think it was also Mark Twain who said that it's hard to win an argument with a smart person, impossible to do so with a stupid on.

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I had to chuckle, but really it's not funny!

Of my two offspring, one is like an impenetrable wall that dismisses (quickly fact-checks me) most, if not all I have to say. The second one is more open-minded, though not always

100% accepting. Our family homeschooled both of them so I know the academic education they received. I think where paths diverged were in the friendships they made later on.

So frustrating to not be able to get through with what you can stake your life is the truth!!!!

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My sister is the type of person that will argue that the sky isn't blue if I say it is.

She is a Demo-Commie although she's a RINO as far as voter registration.

Talking to her about politics is like putting your head in a blender.

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Putting one's head in a blender is sadly very descriptive of how it is to argue with an ideologue.

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Oh dear!!

It's crazy how different people can be (I'm assuming you are both biological sisters) being raised in the same family!

Love the blender thing 🤣🤣

Take care!

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"the type of person that will argue that the sky isn't blue if I say it is" This type has always been very common. Start by saying,

"I know you will always object to every assertion I make"

"No, I won't"

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I refuse to discuss anything with them. There isn’t a point to it any longer. Everyone’s minds are made up. I doubt there are many undecided any more. There will be no coming together. Especially now that conservatives are done with giving an inch and liberals taking miles.

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Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defector in the 80's, said that such people were inured to facts, and that no amount of facts would break through the indoctrination, and that they would only see the truth when the boot was to the balls or they were lined up against the wall to be shot.

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I have a friend who has a friend like that. No amount of facts can get through the indoctrination. At some point, you just have to cut bait and let them wallow in their delusion.

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You are describing the life blood of MSNBC and CNN. Stupidity!!!!

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

Lost many friends and relationships with family members over this divide. I have had that lunch, too. I will leave it to your imagination to visualize which side had no problem getting ugly in their haste to slink back into the dark

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They think of themselves as gentle and open-minded.

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"Inclusive" (LOL)....except for all of us who they consider wrong. Ironic, no?

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I have a friend like that, too. I am going out "leaf peeping" with her tomorrow. It is funny how attracted she is to me at the same time thinking that I am wrong about everything. I find it interesting to see how her understanding of things evolves. Seems as though she just avoids thinking about certain things. I remember being like that myself, so I am not so judgmental. Plus, in her enormous favor, she did not abandon me during Covid. And plenty of people did.

Sorry about your friend.

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You are learning the same lesson so many people do, eventually: Liberals and Humans just don't get along. I do not try to reason with these creatures; they lie like others breathe, and "moral relativism" governs their existence, and to them, everything is governed by an "ends justifies the means" mentality. These things honestly believe that lying, murder, corruption, and anything else you can conceive of is A-OK, because it all leads to communist Utopia, and any sacrifice is worthwhile to get there. The fact that such a Utopia doesn't exist, and never has, in all history doesn't matter to them: you see, this time they will get it right. . .

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Look at Melania. She was great when before she started talking. Now she has revealed herself to be a pro-abort, feminist witch.

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Well as Trump himself says, she is entitled to her opinion. Also, remember what field she was in before meeting Trump, I would imagine that abortions are wide spread in the modeling profession.

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Yeah, it's all just opinions, right John? Let's vote on scientific hypothesises too.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

JohnAz and his buddy Lugh...dumb and dumber!

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And New Zealand welcomes the day.

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...and these fools also forget that in every case, once the psychopaths attain absolute power, they quickly EXTERMINATE the "useful idiots" who had helped them GET to power.

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Liberals and humans, ha! Does that mean that liberals equals Klingons or Romulans.

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It's a combination of cognitive dissonance and what Ayn Rand aptly characterized as a "blank out." And that's the mildest case. Try telling your average shitlib that no nation ever taxed itself into prosperity. It will take them a few momentsnto process what you just said before they explode into paroxisms of spittle-flecked rage, hate and name-calling. Properly speaking, it's a psychotic break.

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Reading your descriptive comment, I totally saw in my mind’s eye Keith Olbermann 😜

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Perhaps I am an awful person, but I am committed to my own preservation. Most people I see in these comment threads were abandoned or rejected by their leftist friends. I did the opposite: I pre-emptively abandoned THEM.

When a couple friends turned into insane people during Covid, I just dropped them. Mentally ill people scare me, and these people had cracked and gone crazy. After two or three attempts to talk sense to them, I gave up.

When I feel guilty about that, I just remember the advice of Josh Slocum, whose specialty is Cluster B personality disorders. He said to ask yourself: If the country goes full Stalinist, would this person snitch on me to the authorities? If you have to hesitate even a moment before answering, DROP THAT PERSON FROM YOUR LIFE. Immediately and totally.

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I lost a good friend that I would have lunch with regularly, too. Our break up was over the event that started in 2020. She got miffed at me for uttering things she could not comprehend, would not accept.

It's difficult for a sane person to relate to and have rapport with a delusional one. Many of us have had to face many losses recently, but there was really no otherxway. ;(

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It's terrible, but I've seen it in my own family. I have a loved one who was a journalist and is still fanatically devoted to media. She spends all her time on internet forums worrying about Russia. When she used to still visit she would try to ask "gotcha" questions (she inevitably brings up politics, I do not) and then would get very angry, "panic" as you insightfully say, and tell me "well I guess I'm just not as smart as you" and then change the subject. She gave up seeing her only living family members in preference for websites like Democratic Underground and never having to hear a contrary opinion. I've tried to bridge the gap but it's a thankless task and it breaks my heart to see loved ones so caught up in anger, panic, know-nothingism. They had a lot to say about Q-Anon people, but these people have been high on their own supply since 2008 and now that it's running out it's getting tragic to see them avoiding a confrontation with themselves. I hope your friend chills out; he's giving up more than lunch, but a priceless connection to a living soul rather than another automaton.

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I have thought over and over, WTF is going on here?

My answers, our politics , our beliefs are a big piece of our ego and especially super-ego. An attack on our politics is an attack on the deepest parts of ourselves. Think our where our beliefs come from, everything that affects our lives affects out beliefs. Crises that affect us turn us into Leftists or Rightists. One big one is if we are Haves or Have nots, whether we a winners or losers in the economy. Hidebound Leftists favor the tack that we take from the Haves and fire-distribute to the Have-nots. That violates a basic rule. “Thou Shall not steal.”

Another is access to power. This is a common thing for fence sitters, AKA independents or moderates. They are noted for switching sides depending on who is running things. The Bushes, Cheneys, are famous as well as Tulsi or RFK,Jr. IMHO, we are seeing a resetting of the spectrum location of both parties and a drift away from uniparty. The Deep State hates it and wants to kill the author of one side. Right now, 50% of the country is aligned, like your John, with the Deep State, which is extremist Left and Right. Both want the ascension of the State, everything else is secondary. The other 50% are aligned with folks that want the USA to stay as it was in the 1900s, strong, individualistic, and real. They are MAGA, not GOP. They are aligned with the Moderate right, people that want the State to keep their hands off everything, especially their money. The Deep State’s Prime Directive, thank you Star Trek, is preservation of the Deep State, to the detriment of the local issues, state issues, and most of all individual rights.

Clinton is an ass, now and always. She believes in the supremacy of the Deep State, period. The people be damned.

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I wish to God that Trump would bolt on the Republican party and just go independent. Why he hasn't done that shocks me.

I wanna see that video of Hillary killing kids and drinking their blood. Apparently it's on the dark web somewhere, but I don't know how to access that kind of thing.

I fucking HATE, HATE, HATE Hillary Clinton. For too many reasons to list. If vigilante justice ever becomes legal, she is #1 on my hit-list.

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No one ever liked HRC! Many Bill Clinton supporters didn’t like her either. A funny 1996 Weekend Update with Norm MacDonald reported that O.J. Simpson was endorsing Bill Clinton for president and that he offered that he would do anything to help him win. At that moment Norm quotes Bill saying, “Well, there is ONE thing…” and up comes HRC’s image on screen, haha. The audience laughter gives a good indication of what an ostensibly liberal audience of 1996 really thought of her. (It’s on yooootube somewhere) And it was justifiably downhill from there

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Nothing will bring much more delight than the day a random re() d()t ambles it’s way mercifully onto her forehead.

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I have wondered the same thing. Maybe because he has more friends in the Party than the big mouth RINOs. The RINOs will eventually leave the GOP as it dies and becomes MAGA.

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Good screed!! But... Nixon was not a bad President... at all.

Comparatively, he should be in the Presidential hall of fame. Taking us off the gold standard and opening up China may have been his two big boners... and keeping Kissinger around... but the BS of CIA rigged Watergate was not.

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I don't speak to my family and friends about political issues on which I know we strongly disagree. I want to keep my connections, and I don't trust people to be either tolerant or mature enough to respect a different perspective. It can get lonely, but at least I am still connected to people I want to remain connected to. Maybe this is self-serving of me? I know more about who they are than they know about me.

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Have you ever seen North and South by John Jakes? A really good description of the emotions surrounding the 1850’s as the USA ripped itself apart. It is the story of two families, one in South Carolina and one in Pennsylvania, that were close due to the two leading men who were Army chums during the Mexican War. The war absolutely ripped them apart, but once over they healed. A good description of a Fourth Turning. We are there now as the narratives being discussed here are just another fore warning of what is coming. When spirituality breaks down between people, so do the relationships. When hatred becomes the basis instead of love, here comes CW2.

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You have raised an important point: we can't escape knowing who they are, as obedient followers of the Official Narrative. We are obliged to stifle identifying openly with the truth and repudiating their false worldview in order to remain close to them. It's perverse, but true.

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"Relationships" where one can't speak one's mind? Junk food for the soul. Values don't matter! Only "connection" with human junk.

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Yeah, but when it's family...

I've abandoned friendships, but I can't abandon family. Now if THEY were to abandon ME, that's a different matter. Thanks be to God, they have not done that.

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I’m one of those descendants you speak of, and pissed off doesn’t begin to describe it. What amazes me more than anything is how little anger there is on the lib side iabout the lack of money and transformers to help those people as it was all sent to Ukraine and Israel. Great writing as usual Jim!

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Where are you descended from? I'm from Johnson County, TN people and proud of it. I once had a woman (girl, really, as she was clearly a snot) say to me, "I bet you hate having that history" after I mentioned my forebears. I set her straight right away.

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I can guarantee there'd be a whole lot of anger and outrage if the hurricane victims were people of color, but since most are white, and Republican voters, hence the apathy.

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I believe you Jim, and by the way I'm a big fan of yours, but I had to check and Holy Tofurky, seems it's true, Mayorkas was mega-dolt enough to be seen out shopping (in Georgetown, no less) at this moment:


But why am I surprised? Guess I just need some more coffee.

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LOL. Heard about that on my local talk radio station this morning! He is the worst of the worst. None of these creatures have a conscience or empathy

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He hates white, heterosexual, Christians. That is obvious,

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This fecal-encrusted Bolshevik faggot needs staked to an ant mound—STAT.

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If he'd wanted to give that impression I'd say he's doing a bang-up job.

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No, they do not.

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During the early days of the slaughter in Gaza, they opened up a new Holocaust museum in Europe.

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It's in-your-face contempt, is what it is.

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Absolutely. Why do you think Harris put out that tweet about having just given another $157M to Lebanon - to displaced people for essential needs such as food, shelter, water, and sanitation. If they can taunt people to the point that they cause an "uprising" - then it's martial law no election.

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Sure does look like it.

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If you geolocate all the people that have shown up to the Harris rallies one would find that almost all of the attendees are the same people. That is: paid shills. it’s ironic that the people who showed up to the one or two Biden rallies 4 years earlier and sat in crop circles, were probably more legitimate.

If Harris is installed, I suspect that the future former Americans left in this country despondent and disturbed, will take their anger out on multiple segments of the population, such as journalists, Tech strongholds, Democratic down slate politicians, university professors, and individuals who support this cluster fuck. It did not work out well for Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette or Mussolini.

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There is no doubt- if President Trump loses it's for one reason- CHEATING.

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He isn’t. The last thing the media cannot control is the vote. They try with biased polls, but each individual votes their beliefs. The cheaters in the mail system, the election judges are a different story. The You Tube poll averages and the parties themselves are reacting in October as though there is a Trump landslide imminent. Hope so!!

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Sorry to break your bubble but you probably are not aware of the massive amount of cheating that is already in place. Here's a link to a tech guy and his team- Stop Bogus Ballots- that have laid out one way the DemonRats are trying to STEAL this election via bogus ballots.



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What I can’t figure out is why if the Republicans know the Democrats are stealing the election every year they just don’t play the same games and print a massive amount of fake ballots? in this scenario, we would see about 1 billion votes cast. Ironically, the Legacy media would not even question the vote total.

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The key here is that cheating beyond a certain % difference becomes detectable, such as number of votes becoming bigger than the number of registered voters. Allegations of this were examined in 2020 and thrown out quickly by Deep State judges, nationwide.

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"such as number of votes becoming bigger than the number of registered voters. " That happened in more than one place in 2020. Nothing substantial has been done about that. It will happen again. Dems will win by 500,000,000 votes - or whatever it takes.

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Until the republicans are as proactive in cheating and can then get voter id and secret voting then they will lose forever

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Rasmussen proves this, yes

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"crop circles".....LMFAO!!!

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We can only hope.

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Response to Mark

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As much as I would love to see the ruling cabal of demons Ceausescu-ed, that dream seems as far away as a Powerball win from where I sit in Michigan. The Harris-Walz signs have sprouted from the dying lawns like unwelcome dandelions in the spring…..many…many people here believe the hype that ANYONE is better than the ultimate “threat to democracy”, DJT. Unfortunately, our Substack crowd isn’t representative of the general population; at least here, the brainwashed handmaidens of the rotten order are lining up to hand over whatever is left of their sovereignty and agency to their masters in exchange for free Netflix and whatever else tickles their fancies….

The only good thing I foresee coming out of a Harris administration is a jump start to the breakup of the country, which I for one think is long overdue. I have no desire to convince the folks in San Fran and Martha’s Vineyard of the errors of their ways…I wouldn’t mind having to get a visa to visit them should I have a hankering to see the Golden Gate or Skid Row…..I just want them out of my life, as eagerly and passionately as they wish to be divorced from mine.

God bless ya!

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I don’t even claim them as fellow Americans.

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I've been thinking that way for awhile, now.

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Amen and Amen Joe! Secession time.

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Thanks, Jim, for this eloquent manifesto. And thanks for the heads up about the possible coming of--surprise--WWIII in the Middle East.

I am posting here a statement I just entered on the Forbidden News substack.

Thank you for your outstanding reporting on the catastrophe in the Appalachians.

As I explained and documented in my book, "Our Country, Then and Now," the federal government is engaged in a long-term genocide against our own population. My book provides a narrative of how things got so bad over out long history. Please check it out here. It is essential that people have a historical sense of what is going on.


Next, I recently published a shorter update as a Global Research eBook entitled "World War III Is 'On' But the Empire Has Already Lost. An American Civil War Looms. Spiritual Transformation Is the Only Way to Prevent Extinction."

We are now in the American Civil War II. Again, it is essential for people to gain a historical sense, particularly the fact that the Democratic Party has always been the agency for big global finance while the Republicans are historically the agency for indigenous American values. Here is the link for the free download:


Finally, it is time--past time--for every U.S. citizen to become a "survivalist." Granted this is a big topic, but it starts with food security and sovereignty for not just individuals and families, but whole communities. Every U.S. country has an emergency preparedness program. It is time for citizens to take control of those programs through their own organizing and efforts. It is our government. We must work at the local level to assure they work for us, not the globalist oligarchs who run the Democratic Party.

Thank you.

Richard C. Cook

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I bought your book.

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Such a great column today Jim! I happen to live one county upstream from Buncomb in a river valley that is the headwaters of the French Broad River. This is an area where tourism and outdoor adventure are the main industries and where the population is an interesting overlay of wealthy mostly liberal corporate executive retirees and the native Scotch Irish who are decidedly Christian and politically conservative. The local natives tend to reside more out in the county whereas the retirees concentrate in the neighborhoods surrounding our small downtown (though they’re also out in the county and up on the high vistas in their native built beautifully appointed abodes). This division is clearly depicted in where you find which political signs. Out in the county among the natives it is all Trump but in the downtown area it’s Harris/Walz all the way. The political and cultural dichotomy in our town of 7500 (33,000 in the entire 381 square mile county) has been mostly a peaceful reality but with the events unfolding in the days following the hurricane I’m definitely sensing the growing possibility of increased friction between these two groups, especially as a growing awareness sets in of the Federal Government’s flagrant ineptitude for responding to the disaster.

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From what I see in the normie haunts (FB especially) and comment threads, there is now a concerted effort by the left to counter all the true accounts of FEMA/gov't absence, ineptitude and threats.

FB reels are sprinkled with nonsense videos that prove nothing. Just yesterday I came across one that was a 180 degree pan of a tanker truck refueling an Osprey. That's it. No people, no information. Nice pristine local airport, with no damage. I checked it out and the thing was filmed at Mountain Empire Airport, right off I-81 in Virginia. 250 miles from ground zero.

On a comment thread, anyone anti-Trump will deny the FEMA stories. Despite countless video testimonials to the contrary. Karens and beta men are what they are.

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Bot, troll and rage baiting percentage of commentary has ramped to the sky. Somebody is worried

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I bet this clusterfuck will change the Liberals' politics amazingly. They'll join their rural neighbors in voting for Trump/Vance.

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Mayorkas is a real piece of work. A creep of the lowest order. A scum apparatchik. I don't have words enough to describe his total lack of morals, insight, and decency. Yeah, Hillary, let's find out what we, the "deplorables", are made of. And don't get me started on the "media". Don't we need a new word for these party-mad propagandists?

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How does it happen that Mayorkas, one scummy apparatchik, ends up running FEMA, the border AND the Secret Service. Hmmm. The blob oozes like black goo.

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One word. Possession.

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I would never say that they're plum out of tricks. It seems too confident to me. DC employs an awful lot of people

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An awful lot of AWFUL people too, Rich

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Less a claque than a coven of witch-biotches (beta males included). Why doesn’t that horrible old crone die already. I guess Satan takes care of his own

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God is saving these people for the really horrible things coming our way, since those in leadership positions suffer worse punishment than the average bear.

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Even more surprising than the failing efforts of the Would-Be Masters of the Universe is their inability to accept the possibility of defeat. If there were any realists in their ranks, they would have been a little more mature and thorough in their planning, including a way out. Several ways out. They burnt all their bridges long ago. Where would Hillary flee, for example...Haiti? They are destroying the peaceful, prosperous US with immigration....where will they go when it's gone? New Zealand is too easily starved out, even with bunkers full of everlasting dried food. And what kind of medical staff would put up with that kind of life? The servants and minions would take them out. Robots are notoriously useless, if their programming needs tweaking, who will do it?

Their political machinations do not rise above the level of cranky two-ear-olds. The sense of entitlement, their superiority over all the rest of the US and the world, their arrogance, reminds me of the Age of Kings. Several attempts, and no permanent success.

I am also surprised that there isn't any back-stabbing going on, any factionalism. It takes a lot of money to keep so many fools so quiet. There's a real lack of talent and no evidence of debate among them. One chief to rule them all? Who is this chief? Either the Rockefellers have been subtle, or the leadership is concealing from its party faithful the extent of the trap they are walking into.

It's a great time to live for history buffs. The rest of us, not so great.

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It's One Ring to rule them all. And that Ring belongs to Satan Himself.

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This article should be on the front page of the New York Times (like that’s gonna happen).

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LOVE your command of the English language! I crack up with every column. I've said for years that every nation has a life span and then falls to the thirst for power and control. Thereafter, a nation either resists or succumbs, and it's people from places no one knows exist. You're right about those NC/TN mountain people, from whom I am proud to have descended. I can trace my mother's side (the only one that counts) back to 1815, in Johnson County, TN before the records disappear. They are fierce people - although you'd never know it by looking at them, talking to them, being around 'em. But when it counts. . . . I saw a video of a young woman from there, and her message was, "Kamala/FEMA: stay at home. We don't need you. Shove your $750. We take care of our own." And they will. And what you wanna bet they find a way to vote? I wouldn't take that bet.

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Happy to have you as a long-lost cousin Te Burt. I have traced my father's family straight back to Antrim County, Ireland. I'm the 10th Generation here in America, by eldest son to eldest son. Frank Gibson Breckenridge III.

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I've speculated, but only to myself and my wife, that Obama and his Stooges actually running the government want a big war before the election. Why? Americans tend to keep the same leadership during wartime. It could be the Kenyan's only shot at a shadow fourth term

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You sir, are a National Treasure

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