I am thinking about the days following November 5th, when the egregious edifice for malfeasance the Uniparty has constructed is likely to be grinding toward a conclusion in counting (or more likely miscounting) the votes – legitimate and otherwise.

When a winner is declared some days or weeks later, half of this country is going to be the most obdurately pissed off this nation has ever experienced – at least since the First Civil War.

If Trump miraculously overcomes the colossal chicanery arrayed to keep him out of office the opposition will be less emotionally disciplined and more likely to commit impulsive acts of mayhem. If the Uniparty wins the opposition will be less spontaneous, but more serious in intent. A demographic that includes many more hunters and ex-soldiers will have experience and skill sets better suited for planned operations. Neither scenario is to be hoped for.

Either way, it would be fatuous to suppose that the opposing sides can possibly be reconciled by the new regime. How do we, as individuals, expect to react to the election’s outcome, and to those who cannot accept it? I know I would/will loathe a new Uniparty administration and expect the very worst, up to and including the complete demolition of any vestige of democracy and the imposition of a totalitarian state.

Most of my friends are well-meaning old-fashioned liberals, who would/will be thrilled with a slightly black, woman president (as they were thrilled with Obama) and just as oblivious to the inevitable betrayal that will follow. When they realize that the Virus X Pandemic Lockdown is permanent and that their shiny new plastic CBDC card enslaves them to the wishes of the ruling class it will be too late to resist its total control of the lives of all of us.

My relationship with those liberal friends, who have conscientiously absorbed the official Narrative crafted for them by the Uniparty is extremely delicate these days. Their credulity is no harmless foible; it is enabling the destruction of this nation. If their side is declared the winner I will be unable to keep from feeling contempt for their complicity. If they smirk and gloat over winning, I will necessarily despise them, along with the despotic regime they have put in power.

They already bitterly resent my refutation of their beloved narrative, and may well hate my guts if Mr. Trump prevails. In that event, there can be no reconciliation, no pretending that they are still “good patriotic Americans.” They will have applauded the destruction of our civil liberties, embraced every sort of falsehood, and pitched in to help construct the prison in which we nearly found ourselves permanently incarcerated.

Those who think this nation was truly reunited after the Civil War have never lived in the south. Many Southerners never willingly rejoined the union, but just lived their lives in occupied territory. It’s arguable that the only actual benefit of Lincoln’s having preserved the Union was to avoid having a permanently hostile state at its southern border.

There are currently active secessionist movements in twelve US states, in addition to regional secessionist sentiment in much of the country. After the next Inauguration Day will you want to share a country with those who have trashed everything this nation once stood for? There is much to think about.

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I think that the breakdown of camaraderie over the last twenty years is because of the 2008 election and beyond. When Obama promised “Change”, I do not believe the people did not understand that he meant destruction of American values. American people, up to now, have been independent individuals who want control over their lives. The Left, since Obama, has done everything in their power to undo this principle, creating a country that is dependent on the government. Think of the difference between today and JFK;

“Ask no what this country can do for you, Ask what you can do for this country.” What a difference.

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I was living in Westhampton Beach, NY when Obama was running. He was on video talking before a group of veterans and he said he supported “Medicare for All” for a health care program. “Everybody in and nobody out.” Paid for with a deduction from our paychecks just like SS.

Then after he got elected he did a 180 and his first meeting as president was with the head of AHIP (Americas Health Insurance Plans) to develop the ACA which would INCLUDE the for-profit health insurers. Just eliminating them as blood-sucking middlemen would have saved Americans a fortune for health care. Plus Americans, with Medicare, would be able to change jobs and move without thinking about healthcare coverage.

So then some members of Congress begged for a Medicare buy-in and Obama personally killed that bill.

What Obama did with healthcare proves he is bought and paid for.

Then “we tortured some folks”, but no indictments for THAT! “We need to look forward, not back.”

As to Biden and Harris with Israel, Israel has been given a blank check with no strings attached. There is no difference between Harris and Trump on Israel. Our Secretary of State, Blinken, is a dual citizen for God’s sake!

As I go to vote, I am wondering, who is least likely to continue the wars? Who is least likely to provoke WW III? Who would be the most open to listening to what the majority of the American people desire? And who has the biggest record of lying, corruption and criminality?

I have to vote for Trump.

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It wasn’t the “change” that alarmed me, it was the “Fundamental Transformation” phrase that made my hair stand on end!!!!

Sadly, not one news source asked him for CLARIFICATION! Mr. Obama, what exactly do you mean by your chilling statement?

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It's the difference between a true patriot and a Marxist.

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Spot on. This isn't about Harris Inc. or Trump, it's about attempting to restore our Constitutional Republic, or destroying it for a fiefdom we once were. This election should have grave consequences for those (including family, "friends," and associates) who vote for its destruction. What a pleasant thought that is (sarc). THAT is the situation this nation has been purposely placed in.

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I agree with you, Robert. Here's a little foretaste of what's coming for them. When the SHTF on the mainland US, the beautiful people will go to their island homes to escape, but when the waters turn to blood, as they will, there will be no shipping and no rescue boats, no fresh water, and they'll be surrounded by the stench of rotting fish and blood, with the knowledge that all of their wealth is gone. And that's before they get to hell.

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Yes, and think of the condition we'll all be in at that point. Fun times.

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"...the condition we'll all be in..."

Some of us won't be.

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It's not like we weren't told beforehand.

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You should think about starting your own substack. Informative and nice writing style. I'd like to know more about the secessionist movements of which you speak, in a condensed form. Of course I could research on my own, but there is only so much time.

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The Path Forward: Build and Balkanize

Andrew Torba, November 10, 2022 https://news.gab.com/2022/11/the-path-forward-build-and-balkanize/

In light of the clown show that was the election on Tuesday I wanted to share some of my thoughts on what I see as the path forward from here. I made a post on Gab yesterday that got tens of thousands of engagements both on and off Gab. I think it’s important to analyze why this post resonated so widely and where we go from here.

I see everyone on the right fighting about Trump vs DeSantis for 2024 and I just laugh to myself. The presidency in 2024 is a pipe dream, with DeSantis or Trump on the ticket. To be frank I don’t know if we’ll ever see a Republican president again. Millions and millions of illegals pouring over our border and being distributed to key swing states. An electorate trained to believe that hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots appearing is normal. Demographics is destiny. He who controls the machines controls the outcome. We didn’t fix 2020 and we didn’t build the wall so don’t expect another “free and fair” election.

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I normally don't try to read long posts as most of them are pretty worthless screeds.

Yours is the exception, Robert.

Well said.

And it comes pretty close to summing up my own situation here in "liberal land".

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I am also stuck in liberal land muddy muck here in Oregon. God save us.

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Expecting God to save you is a pipe dream. If you had any faith you'd realize all this crap is immaterial.

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Yes yes how can I strengthen my faith?

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Simple, just ask the creator, all humanities creator, god, to help you. Why would he deny you help when you are his child, his creation? Impossible. So simple oh yea of little faith, trust in the Lord and you will be rewarded with peace and serenity. Everything you see in this world is an illusion, unimportant in the grand scheme of things. The choice is yours, choose wisely.

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People forget that the American Revolution also had a significant aspect of civil war. Those loyal to British rule, the so-called Tories were treated as domestic enemies with all that entails. Your liberal friends might not know that history.

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Tories thought that problems were solved by Big Government, England, while the Patriots wanted independence from British rule. Big government vs. Individualism. Some things never change, we are still fighting over that. Rugged individuals vs. gimmes. And the turnings continue.

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As the private sector grows and centralizes, the public sector must grown and centralize too in order to keep it in check.

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I'm sure many of the Tories also had financial interests in maintaining the existing state of affairs. Also, the level of British tyranny doesn't compare to contemporary times, so the idea of fighting against the world's largest power may not have seemed a rational choice.

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I am descended from Tories who had to flee to Canada after their homes and businesses were destroyed by Patriot mobs. You are absolutely right about the Tories being treated as domestic enemies. A lot of people, liberal or conservative, do not know that history!

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Americans aren't taught much history in school and what they are taught is very simplified usually.

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Yes. America is now irreconcilable. The Deep State knows this and has been preparing for years. If the election is stolen again, expect kinetic action against the right which will trigger a kinetic response. The left will never permit secession as they know they will perish without us.

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Well, I commend your forbearance with your leftie friends, though maybe not your prudence. I abandoned two of my own longtime friendships in 2020-21 because I intuited that civil war was coming sooner or later, and already by then, "woke" people were SNITCHING on their non-social-distancing neighbors everywhere from California to New York and points in between.

Podcaster Josh Slocum last year said to discern friendships this way: Ask yourself: If our government goes full Stalinist, would this person report me to the authorities?

If you have any doubts about the answer to that question, then you scratch that person out of your life, immediately and totally.

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Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal! That quote is music to the ears of any Firefly fan.

On a more serious note, all my friends are progressives, and the only reason they haven't disowned me it's because I used to be one of their number and they still have trouble believing anyone could go over to the Dark Side. Actually I have not gone over to the Dark Side, I've just become totally disillusioned with how the Democrats have behaved during recent history.

So I try to gently insinuate brain worms of doubt, hoping at least some will take root.

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Yeah I’m in a similar situation with most of my friends/family. I mostly just stay quiet because I don’t need drama in my life and care a lot about my relationships, but I do try to drop little dissident hints here and there…

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There is—in fact, NOTHING to think about at all. These marxist/bleeding heart vermin are NOT your countrymen at all.

Act accordingly.

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They aren't my countrymen and I don't consider blue states part of the US

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Well said. Skillington must come out from among them. If he sits on the fence much longer the wood will enter into his soul.

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Kill them

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Oops! I have firm feelings about tyrants and those who promote their evil and communist ideology of equity (by force) and a long list of egregious acts against our republic. I dare not say #^€<#¥£ them all and let God sort them out.

Not in polite company. I sense your frustration but lets hold our rash statements and quietly consider the root of our problem as we cook up some tar and tear open some cheap chines feather pillows. Cheers!

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How do you feel about the Bolsheviks?

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Kill them? Kill WHO? Anyone you THINK may have marxist/liberal sentiments, anyone who isn't rah-rah for your side? It's easy to sit at a keyboard and type such things, but when it comes to your neighbors, your coworkers, your friends, your church family, your parents, your children, are you still willing to say "kill them, they deserve it?" Are you willing to pull the trigger on your loved ones should you learn that their political views don't align with yours? Are you down with the bloodbath that will follow? I don't know whose friend you are, Lisa, but you are not mine. Those that do call you friend need to be watching their backs as well. You've made it very clear with those two words that you are a potentially dangerous person, because I don't think you and those who agree with you are going to inquire too closely as to your intended targets' true beliefs. It will be enough that you THINK that they have certain beliefs.

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Well Tam, when folks come for you, your property or what have you...in defense you will not lay down and let them roll over you correct? Currently major looting has begun in hurricane stricken N.C. and immigrants have been encouraged with expense paid living using tax dollars from myself and other hard working Americans. Hopefully your friends will, in fact, help you as potential events unfold. In defense I would even help you. Even though you have said you are not my friend. You are human and have a right to what you own, your happiness and your safety.

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That is on a whole different level than simply saying "Kill them" without any clarification or context. When you said "Kill them" I took it to mean you mean literally kill people because of their political views--and if I took it to mean that you can better believe other people took it that way as well, and some of them might very well be unstable enough to feel that they have a right to kill others for that reason. There is a story about a medieval king of England who kept butting heads with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket. One day in frustration he said in front of his knights, "Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?" Immediately four knights got up, grabbed their weapons and went to the cathedral where they murdered Thomas Becket right in front of the altar. Oh, the king was very, very, sorry when he heard that. "I did not intend for you to do that!" he said. Nevertheless, the words were said, "Who will rid me of this troublesome priest." Did not matter what he intended, it was how those words were interpreted. When you say "Kill them", you likewise may be unleashing something you may not intend. The person who invades my property is dangerous, yes, and I do have a right to protect myself WHEN it happens, not before; but the person who says that they are my friend yet goes around talking loose (as my dad would put it) is even MORE dangerous because I am not expecting them to be so. I have studied the French and Russian Revolutions and I know how the mobs turned on each other and did not stop killing even after their "enemies" were all dead. "Kill them!" is something Robespierre would say--and he himself ended up on the guillotine. So be careful--do not say anything you do not intend or which you do not intend others to do.

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I'm sure those words are said and said often by the rabid left. They are ecstatic southerners are dead because of the global warming they think is happening because we've caused it. Less people to vote red after all can't be all bad. They won't lift a finger to help. It's already begun just not openly - yet.

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I am sorry to have hit a nerve. This next twelve months...with neighbors all around who are dulled by the pablum...I can hope that it won't come to blows. I am already watching neighbors yell at each other. It is hard to imagine civilization as we know it going the way of killing each other. History has nothing on what's coming down the pike. But then it says in the Bible: Thou shalt not kill. So I am definitely wrong to cast that out into the Substack ethers. Or the world for that matter. The anger is real.

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You are exactly right. The marxist/ phony bleeding heart vermin would throw you overboard in a second and feel smug about it. They are the vermin who ran the killing fields and the gulags. They are the vermin who informed on their neighbors and called them enemies of the revolution. They won't hesitate to do that again if the opportunity is there.

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I absolutely share your view- glad it’s in print because I’m lacking in the skill to eloquently but succinctly profess my opinion.

I wish we still had Americans who could read, understand and appreciate your words, because they are necessary and profound.

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Exactly the thoughts racing through my mind, tho far more succinct.

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Don't forget the lithium mine near Ashville. Lots of if stories about blocking all traffic, low-ball cash offerings for property, no intent to recover and identify bodies-just bull doze them away, all for buying property cheap around the critical resource mine.

Go look at Maui now to see what Appalachia will look like a year plus down the road.

Western NC response looks exactly like Maui -- land grab.

We live under evil people. We cannot win playing nice. We need alpha men/women to use the full force of law to ensure "their type never rises again."

Enough of this gentlemanly crap. Gloves off, street fight!

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Yeah, I made a joke a couple days ago when I suggested to a commentator that maybe the people affected by Helene would get $700/family like those in Maui, and sure enough, they're getting $750/family.

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Wow, jeez, Kathy. Lahaina is a land grab for a pilot S.M.A.R.T. city project, the Carolinas are a land grab for the Carolina Tin-Spodumene Belt, North America's largest single deposit of lithium and semiconductor microchip quartz.

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Well, I presume if you’re for Trump, then you’re for project 2025, which eliminates help for families in a disaster. Nothing. You happy with that?

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I don't think you have a clue what most Trump supporters want.ost of the people all around this disaster are are Trump supporters. And they're the ones screaming about no govt response. But bc you heard someone link a document to Trump you think everyone believes everything in it blindly? You might do that, but most Trump supporters I know don't think like that.

Talk in person to real people. Most of us have far more in common than different. And almost all of us have compassion and concern for humanity. It's the news and govt administrators that lack those qualities, not most citizens.

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I have zero interest in talking to the nuts and hillbillies supporting Trump. Go away and leave me alone.

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LMAO. I lead a team of engineers at NASA on systems you couldn't possibly understand. And I could never succeed at it with your childish, blindly judgemental attitude.

That attitude is exactly why our country is in the mess we are in. And exactly why you will be miserable until you change at least some of it.

Can't wait to see what you'll do when you have a problem you can't solve alone and need your govt to save you, and low and behold they never show up.

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If you’re leading a string of engineers at NASA, you probably have a lot of work to do. Why don’t you just leave me alone and go about your business?

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If anything, the people getting no relief from the Biden administration, the people whose land is about to be bought out from beneath them by connected cronies, should be out canvassing for Kamala!

The only reason Kamala can't help them more right now is because Republicans are cheap bastards. FEMA money ran low because Republicans don't support migrants enough.

Kamala loves the people of Appalachia and wants what's best for them. And if her donors get a few lithium mines by relocating the people of Appalachia by just a few miles, everyone is better off because the climate will be better.

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how far up shamala's azz are you ?

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Actually YOU are the one who is in the wrong place, trolls like you make anything they touch suck

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If you have human and concern for others, then you need to look further at Trump advances policies because all they care about is themselves. You’re really ill informed.

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I don't really think it's me that's I'll informed. You have no idea , but you think you do. Sad.

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Poor Julie. So DUMB.

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Just another leftist troll is all,

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Miss, Heritage's Project 2025 is a poison pill, the Buckley Conservatives and NeverTrumper Republicans finking again on their rightwing by backstabbing Trump.

It's a trap, a strawman, a setup so Trump can be accused of things he never proposed.

That's why he disavowed it or even reading it.

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Well, we all know he doesn’t read…

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you can't shtfu!! can you? liberalism is a mental disorder!

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You are right, I think. When EVERY standard of American culture and jurisprudence and government standards are glibly contravened and consigned to oblivion it is clear that this is a psyop. No summary of political goals can be so pat and not be a part of someone’s agenda.

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I'm as angry about the response as one could be. Even more angry at the blocking of those willing to volunteer and pay all expenses.

The problem is, this administration doesn't want to help.

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Trump has NOTHING to do with Project 2025--didn't create it and doesn't agree with it. Where have you been getting your "information"? Please stop spreading lies.

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Are you serious? You really don’t think that Trump is affiliated with 2025? His policies reflect it almost Word for Word, and his VP wrote the forward and is all about it. You guys really drank the Kool-Aid.

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Bad assumption, for me and for Trump. It's an independent think tank's idea of how to fix things.

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Because Progressive Libs are so STUPID!

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Who the fuck are you, Nina? You don’t even know me get my name out of your mouth and go back to your little Trump bubble. Talk about dumb.

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dry chapped and old and disgusting kunt!

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Why are Trumpers so angry?

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Well, you are a young, beautiful princess 👸

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Ho, ho. Watched a story this morning about Black neighborhoods reaction to Venezuelan gangs invading their turf. Watch out for this one and not just in Chicago.

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Where did you read it? I think it’ll be very interesting to see what happens.

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Fox report.

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Thank you, John!

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And it's a given that those people will never be allowed to rebuild where they used to live.

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When you lived on a hill and the hill turned to slurry and disappeared, you likely will not rebuild on your no longer extant property. How will they get building materials in any kind of timely manner? Entire highways were washed away. Fixing that alone could require millions of tons of gravel just to make new road beds.

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Well, bottomland has always been the goal of farmers. Bottomland is floodplain, enriched soil, close to the water table, easy and productive. Well, Helene hit the SE bottomland, flooding it as it has for centuries. Again, man is the culprit here, his own stupidity. Building cities in disaster areas is stupid. Think Seattle, think Naples. Dumb. It is hard to be very empathic to people who do not think.

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Wise words - even engineers are happy to build on floodplains and flood prone areas as long as they get paid. All these yahoos complaining about “the government” should keep in mind that the government is the one that keeps people from building in floodplain and flood prone areas! I worked in grant management for the state of Texas for over five yearsand I can’t tell you how many times engineers and builders and property owners wanted to rebuild on property that’s been flooded over and over again. And they want the government to pay for it. 🙄

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Um, WHY would even WANT to do that in a floodplain?! listen to nature and obey her lessons, or be foolish enough to repeat the same mistakes over and over. I think that’s the definition of insanity.

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The Shock Doctrine/Disaster Capitalism comes home. Again.

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My mistake on the lithium mine location. Sorry! But the reports about actions controlling the area around the mind are very consistently in line with what I described.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

There are quartz mines near Asheville in Spruce Pine--very important quartz mines. The area around the mines was decimated by the storm. So, you're not entirely mistaken. Carolina Journal


› home › wnc quartz mining operations halted, risking global semiconductor supply

WNC quartz mining operations halted, risking global semiconductor supply

3 days ago - The two WNC mines have quietly become an industry juggernaut as they supply nearly 99% of all high-purity quartz. That ultra-high concentration of such a critical material supply piqued interest before the advent of Hurricane Helene; now the worst case scenario...

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'They' will let migrants in to loot and take over. The war has begun.

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When they talk about Lithium mining they says it’s in King’s Mountain. Kings Mountain is near Charlotte, not near Ashville or Boone, where most of the hurricane destruction is.

That said, it’s completely possible (probable?) the land you speak of is in danger of being confiscated by government/big corp for its resources. But there’s no knowledge that there’s lithium in that area.

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There is a very important quartz mining area near Asheville, in Spruce Pine, NC. The area was decimated by the storm.

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Lithium mine is not near Asheville.

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Capitalists are the scum of the Earth. Indeed, they must always have a boot on their head.

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move to ccp, or n korea... a big boot on your head would be appropriate

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What is abundantly clear is that "this" cannot continue to go on...the smoke and mirrors style of governance, rule without the consent of the people (who voted for the invasion of our southern border? Who voted for bankrupting our treasury by way of benefits to illegals? Who voted for enormous sums given to Zelensky with little to no strings attached?), the prosecution of political opposition, the intentional destruction of society. Thus, it will not "go on"; rather, it will serve as the flashpoint of an organic push back of unimaginable proportions.

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Communist tactics, Cloward Piven i believe, they shoulda gotten rid of all of em back in the 60s

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Excellent point about the beginning of the new fiscal year for the federal government. These departments just had their accounts topped off once again with the CR. But FEMA is out of money?

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For Mayorkas to even have made a statement like that reveals the utter decrepitude of his own soul.

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Mayorkas is on his way to hell, as is most of not all of the democrat party. He just doesn't know it, yet.

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10/04/24: "I expect to see a few Tim Walz masks on the little goblins begging for Kit-kat bars the night of October 31."

Not to worry. The DNC-Regime-Media (MSNBC / CNN / NBC / ABC / CBS/NY Times / NPR / State Department / CIA / FBI / Department of Homeland Invasion By Illegal Aliens) within 24 hours of the "debate" made Walz into a Non-Person.

Not another word will be said about him unless it's an attempt to frame him --- claiming that the man who beat up Kamala Harris's husband's then-girlfriend was actually Walz, not the First Gentleman: Douglas-Harvey Weinstein-Emhoff.

("They were double-dating.")

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Fiscal year starts October 1- meaning that the check book is FULL, not empty. Mayorkas is lying, something he's good at.

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Yes, $750 million (?) of $800 million of the FEMA funding went to the illegals.

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Literal treason.

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Keep voting for those elected representatives!

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Yes. Vote harder!

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Perhaps FEMA is "out of money" only if it's needed to help an area full of conservative voters (the south and the mountains of NC and SC). I imagine that the illegals bused to all of those swing states are still getting help because the "blob" wants their votes.

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Such good writing!

"So, no aid for you, baskets of deplorables, shivering in the dark in your hills and hollows of Appalachia, your houses splintered, scant chattels lost, and your beloved hound-dogs carried away in the roaring torrents. The money that might have helped you begin to recover from the complete devastation of your lives is paying for Guatemalans to bunk in the Roosevelt Hotel and order-in quesadillas and churros, and refill their government-issued debit cards so they can afford a few nice things as they wait for mysterious others to cast ballots in their names."

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YES!!!! This is why the entire cabinet of Biden should be incarcerated.

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Then turned into dog food.

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I surely wouldn’t feed my dog…or even a coyote…something this toxic.

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Good point!

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The generators were all given to Ukraine. And don't forget the billions squandered to the alien land of Israel.

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Considering the ongoing chaos home and abroad, and the government effectively saying "FU" to people hurting from NAFTA and beyond, with a loud in your face "FU" to hurricane victims, how are the "Democrats" not going to rig this election?

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10/04/24: "I expect to see a few Tim Walz masks on the little goblins begging for Kit-kat bars the night of October 31."

Not to worry. The DNC-Regime-Media (MSNBC / CNN / NBC / ABC / CBS/NY Times / NPR / State Department / CIA / FBI / Department of Homeland Invasion By Illegal Aliens) within 24 hours of the "debate" made Walz into a Non-Person.

Not another word will be said about him unless it's an attempt to frame him --- claiming that the man who beat up Kamala Harris's husband's then-girlfriend was actually Walz, not the First Gentleman: Douglas-Harvey Weinstein-Emhoff.

("They were double-dating.")

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NAFTA was set up to allow the USA to be the business center, Mexico to do manufacturing, and Canada resources. Then someone figured out if you didn’t manufacture, you were poor. Now we have Trump threatening 200% tariffs on “American” cars made in Mexico. ?????

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Money leaves and never comes back, just like jobs and resources

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Interesting on Bibi. I hope it's true.

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I'm pretty sure Bibi and Israel are well into the operational stages for a future incompetent, wholly corrupt America that is incapable of any effective military or diplomatic engagement.

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Bibi holds the future of the Middle East in his hands right now. Hamas and Hezbollah knocked way down, Iran launches 800 missiles and the result does not even make Western news. It is now Israels turn, and I think Bibi will tell Biden to eff off this time when he tries to get him not to clobber Iran. All the anti-Zionists on the blog, you have backed the wrong side. Iran maybe about to lose its nuclear capability.

BTW, about ten years ago, I read a book written by the ambassador from Israel to the USA, talking about how Obama hated Israel. I remember thinking how that supported Obama being a Muslim supporter. Obama is still the main focus of the Left.

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As Bibi said, America can dry up and blow away once we're finished with it. John likes Bibi!

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John could care less about Bibi other than he can get this Middle East thing solved. Getting rid of the nuts, not Palestinians, is the first step. He is well on his way of accomplishing this. Betting on the Muslims in a mistake.

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John, John you are so delusional. Bibi is the world's #1 terrorist, the biggest threat to world peace and security. Zionisim is destroying Israel. Israel is committing suicide. After slaughtering 10,000's of women and children in Gaza it has given up it's right to exist in the civilized world.

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America still has lots of military power, and is becoming more politically immature as time passes, a dangerous combination.

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Me too!

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Benjamin Netanyahu has told “Joe Biden”... that if the blob engineers a phony victory for Kamala Harris, he will blow up the oil fields in Iran...

So? If Harris is installed via rigging the election, then it would seem that anything the Israeli's may do is secondary. In the event, what "pieces" would have to be picked-up? Assuming the destruction of Iran's oil production occurs (with the assumption that such an event would greatly spoke oil prices to unaffordable levels) then would this not provide even more reason for the government to force EV's and "renewable energy" down our throats? I honestly do not get it, though I'm sure there will be many who will step in and "educate" me on what James is trying to say.

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I have learned a bitter secret during the Biden years and I believe that the Mob has figured out the same thing. That is, the conversion to sustainable energy is impossible without significant reduction in the standards of living. Politically speaking, it is an impasse, much like abortion. If you have read The Long Emergency, JHK has explained exactly why sustainable energy just will not work and as oil subsides, serious contractions in lifestyle are going to happen. Suggest the movie “Planet of the Humans” produced by Michael Moore.

Do not become a denier, ignoring the obvious declines we are facing.

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What's so maddening is that the declines are intentional. Obama said he wanted to make America less white and less successful. And here we are.

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Yes. When he said he wanted to "fundamentally transform" America not one really questioned him. "What exactly do you mean by that ?" Many of us had a pretty good idea but were cowed. 16 years later......

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Well, some of us knew he was a Muslim Marxist right off, and we remember his "your neighborhood is too white" philosophy very well.

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1 week later and I haven't seen or heard of a Fema anything!

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In case you want to know, 7 days without power here in the CSRA.

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Yikes. Hate to think the neglect is on purpose, but it's just a preview of what's coming for any who oppose this fascist regime we call DC.

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Someone on a talk show yesterday pointed out that most of the voting demographic in the devastated areas is Republican. I would imagine that voting is the last thing on their minds. Democrats must be coming in their pants, crocodile tears over the death and destruction notwithstanding.

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Aha! One of the weaknesses of the conservative side is they do not vote. Trump said that only 16% of Evangelicals vote. This disaster may be a huge incentive for 90% of these folks to vote against Harris and the Mob.

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Yeah, why should they? They're gonna get raptured on out of here in favor of the Jews, the apple of God's eye. You believe the same rot as they do yet you vote? Why?

In case of rapture, John Az's car will be driverfull.

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The rapture is coming, whether you want to believe it or not. After that, the world goes into more chaos than we have now. The tribulation starts, lasts for 3-1/2 years, and kills three-quarters of the world's population. The rapture is your only escape. But continue to choose the broad way of destruction.

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Personally i feel divine intervention is the only thing that will save us, not so sure what sorta intervention or such but know its got to be from on high as we are fast being nullified.

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Voting is consent to be governed BY WHOEVER 'WINZ'

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Deliberate political neglect is an act of aggression. East Palestine, Ohio comes to mind. Starvation has been effective though out history.

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Yeah, another pleasant thought.

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You question whether or not its on purpose? Some men you just can't reach.

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No. Sarc.

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My apologies. I'm a simple man.

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Not necessary. Hard to tell sometimes.

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You are right, all politics is on purpose.

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And so is Justice when it becomes political.

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Are you White? Nuff said

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White lives matter?

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If you gots to akse, you don't gets to know - Louie Armstrong.

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Louie Armstrong matters.

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Do you like the group Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam?

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Secretary Pete said they are monitoring the situation and fielding requests for aid as they come in.

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IOW, do not bother me.

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We have identified the enemy. It is the feckless federal government. Buckle up. Dark days ahead.

From the beach...


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10/04/24: "I expect to see a few Tim Walz masks on the little goblins begging for Kit-kat bars the night of October 31."

Not to worry. The DNC-Regime-Media (MSNBC / CNN / NBC / ABC / CBS/NY Times / NPR / State Department / CIA / FBI / Department of Homeland Invasion By Illegal Aliens) within 24 hours of the "debate" made Walz into a Non-Person.

Not another word will be said about him unless it's an attempt to frame him --- claiming that the man who beat up Kamala Harris's husband's then-girlfriend was actually Walz, not the First Gentleman: Douglas-Harvey Weinstein-Emhoff.

("They were double-dating.")

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Aside from this being all painfully true, Mr. Kunstler, I have a very deep respect for the way you put words together. Bravo, the imagery is down pat and I read THE LONG EMERGENCY and agree, we are neck deep in it, God help you if you live in a natural disaster zone.

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I fear that we all live in a natural disaster zone....

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I figure that the Blob has to Let Trump Win, as they decide who wins every election -- but this time, other world leaders are weighing in with various threats and bribes, as well: "Trump, we'll work with. Harris, no deal." Why else did Zelensky himself come begging?

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"Why else did Zelensky himself come begging?"

He was out of cocaine?

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Yeah, had to have an excuse to meet up with Hunter.

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IDK, the Biden – Harris blob have a funny way of expressing their “anti-Israel“ bias by signing megaton checks to Israel thus allowing them to continue blowing up small children, men and women of the Lebanese or Palestinian persuasion.

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Every drop of blood shed in Gaza and now Lebanon is on the heads of Hamas and Hezbollah and their supporters and enablers. That means you.

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They're doing the same thing in Lebanon. Dropping leaflets telling the people to flee and then bombing them on the road. And/or start bombing them before the appointed hour.

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You're also responsible for the bloodshed, Lugh, and for what you're sowing here.

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The Truth hurts, eh? Better call Saul!

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If you're concerned with the atrocities of October 7th you'd have more credibility. If not, your hate for Israel shines through.

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Just curious, who do you think funds Hamas and Hezbollah?

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We do, via money laundering of our taxes.

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Well, Hamas and Hezbollah don't mind killing women and children, either, so long as they're Jews.

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And? They will kill us as well.

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James, c’mon you know that the Jewish contingent in the USA are Democrats and the Dems have to support Israel, especially financially.

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Can't be true. Democrats CARE about people, and want to save the PLANET.

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And that's why they're flooding the country with illegals and rushing citizenship processes. No, they're willfully destroying the country in order to usher in the world order.

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SARC on my part. It's the mindset of many who vote D regardless of the actual outcomes.

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That's what they're paid to do.

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Heh. This morning Liz Cheney publicly endorsed Harris.

Talk about a turd in a punch bowl.

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who would ever vote based on a cheney endorsement? nobody!

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About Timmy Walz being a frightened animal ...

Could it be because closets are scary places to be

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