Despite Putin’s (IMO) tongue-n-cheek “endorsement” of Kackala, I’ve been somewhat amazed at his patience w/ the West & can’t help but wonder if he’s holding out & hoping for a Trump victory to return sanity to this pathetic country. I’m betting if Kneepads “wins”, the nucs might start flying.

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We should be saying a prayer of thanks that the Russians are a steadfast, patient, people who, even with all his flaws, follow their leader (and understand what happens when they don't).

Makes me think what a perfect description "the blob" is for the U.S.A. "The Blob" functions as a "den of thieves." I agree with you that the Kamala endorsement by Putin was "a chess move" by a very savvy man.

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Lavrov said a few days ago that it was a joke.

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When Putin says something that makes me laugh out loud like commenting on Kamala's laugh or the look on his face when Hillary Clinton hands him a "reset button" with a bad translation on it, I instinctively know the man is, shall we say, multi-faceted. Jokes/humor can be a very complex way of communicating A Lot.

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Agree, most definitely. Russian strategy (and humor).

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I believe the only redeeming quality that Putin mentioned about Kamala was, "she has an infectious laugh". And that makes me laugh. We can't read his mind, but I agree... it more than likely was tongue-n-cheek.

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To me, that comment was how I knew he was kidding. She has been absolutely reviled for that kackle. And he also said that he had hoped Biden would win but “of course” would take Biden’s recommendation now to support Harris 😂

Two thoughts:

How do DemoncRATs go w/ the Russia!Russia!Russia! narrative now that Putin has “endorsed” her AND Zelenskyy has too?! It’s hilarious.

I think even dictators (@ least some of them - Middle East excluded) like & want world stability & sanity too

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Personally, I prefer referring to the Kackler as Screeching Hyena Harris. Quite fitting!

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I still like Kneepads Harris as descriptive of her political trajectory 🤣

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She must be really good at that particular vocation. Its landed her one step from the White House.

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At one high level meeting in Europe on Ukraine, she was high as a kite. Probably pills as well as alcohol. Not so much cackles this time as uncontrolled giggles. Charming at a junior high dance perhaps. The people in the room were dumbfounded.

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Hell, , if our Ziocratic Blob could sell Michelle as a woman to the normies, this media creation/ makeover of Cackles should be a cake walk.

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I maintain that she is herself dumbfounded at being invited to the table at all. I have always read her as feeling anxious and like an impostor.

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Putin is just waiting for the USA to ‘flame out’ and self destruct. He is watching from afar and he knows how totally f**ked up the USA is now, especially as it is being presently ‘governed’ by the current Ghost President JB and his minions who are pulling the strings behind the curtain.

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Cindi, I do not classify what Putin is NOT DOING as patience, as much as I believe he is a man well-versed in history and that he is NOT Insane. He has no desire for “history” to remember him as the man who burnt the entire western world into an ashtray (as JHK has described); but, more importantly, he is not batshit-crazy, as most of his world-opponents are CATEGORICALLY BATSHIT-EPHEN-CRAZY…!

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Agreed Fredy

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The Democrats’ claim that “Democracy is at stake” in this election is the most vivid demonstration that I have ever seen of the principle that the best defense is a good offense.

The donkeys don’t seem to remember that Mr. Trump was already president for four years during which “democracy” – such as it is in twenty-first century America – survived. Or the glaring fact that we have more recently experienced proof of concept of US totalitarianism during Biden-Fauci’s Covid lock-down.

Remember when it was illegal for you to spend Christmas with your extended family, or visit your dying grandmother in the hospital, were required to shutter your small business, and pretend that putting a piece of cloth over your mouth and standing six feet apart would protect us from a pandemic that had no connection with the Gain-of-Function lab in Wuhan? That was American Totalitarianism 1.0, and the Democrats apparently didn’t notice.

And now we have would-be dowager Empress Hillary declaring that we should be put in prison is we say anything that does not conform to the Official Narrative?

That is how Harris/Walz would save democracy for us – if we let them.

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Oh, the Communists definitely noticed. They noticed that we took all the thumbs in our eyes they poked us with without hanging a single one of them.

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I must reluctantly point out that the lockdowns started while Trump was still president, so I'm not sure I'd label them "the Biden-Fauci lockdowns." I hope Trump learned something from all his 2020 mistakes.

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I do remember that Bill, but in context. Trump's initial instincts were sound: treat Covid proactively with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, focus on protecting high-risk populations, and achieve herd immunity among the young and vigorous. The President was then attacked by Fauci and Big Pharma, who were pushing The Jab, and fifty million Democrats piled on, sensing blood in the political water. I don't believe Trump would have gone that route if had not been railroaded, and I think he would stick by his guns when the next designer virus is released.

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Your memory is flawed. Trump insisted that the states set up their own restriction as they saw it, he did not restrict anybody. Some states, NY for the biggest, dumped all over their people. Then Cuomo was promoted by the MSM as a Latter Day Saint until it was figured out he committed murder with the elderly. In the meantime, DeSantis (Florida) and Texas told the controllers to go to hell. I watched the Johns Hopkins data base and there was no difference between the “controlled” states and the “open” states on deaths or incidence. Trump was not involved excepting giving resources as best he could to the state folks when requested. Hospital ships, wartime corporate conversions to make respirators and PPE for the hospital staffs, new hospitals in NYC. It is ironic that very few of the Trump “donations” were ever used. NY and NYC are extremely gross examples of the idiocy of the Blue mind during a crisis. The Biden-Fauci lockdowns that happened were Blue state level after Trump was gone. Blue Feds lined up with blue states are a disaster.

I do agree with you that any reaction by the federal government to Covid was horrible and fear driven in 2020 and 2021. You have obviously forgotten who was in charge early in 2020 while Trump was fighting the House. Pence was given the job and he flubbed it, allowing the Meditechs to take over. If you must point your finger, start with Pence, Fauci, Birx, the NIH, Cuomo and his press in NYC, the FDA (Ivermectin) and the vaxx, and the CDC. Trump was in charge of it all and deferred to the “scientific” community and the states to do the right things. He was wrong to trust anyone as the entire group was aiming at getting rid of him in November.

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He is deeply flawed. His bark is far worse than his bite. He's pretty timid for the most part. But very strong on defense when it comes to his own person. If he could only put that strength at the service of the nation!

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You just keep ignoring that the resident has little actual power, although they are trying to steal that power from the Congress with every EO they sign.

If Trump was unfettered by the DC politics, what do you think he would do to stop the socialization of the country?

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What democrats mean by "democracy" isn't what you and I mean.

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It means the Democratic party! In any case, the Founders LOATHED Democracy as the lowest form of government, one that leads directly to tyranny as Plato said.

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The Democrats keep using that word "democracy". I don't think that word means what they think it means.

(with a nod of thanks to Inigo Montoya)

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What bugged me was how they kept saying “our democracy”, as if they have a monopoly on true democracy…

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lol "dowager Empress Hillary." Time to drape her in pearls.

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Time to drape her in rope pulled up short.

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perhaps gentle prison stripes with a forged "pearl" and chain???

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How about a sheet and something to hang it on?

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Just finished a bio on Maximillian Robespierre, so this post was timely. Like the USA today, France was involved in European wars throughout the revolution which in some part distracted the French populace as the three estates were dissolved and the National Convention instituted. Here in the USA, what has happened is our border has been dissolved allowing millions to cross which the democrat party plans to use as tools to cement a permanent voter base to remain in power ad infinitum. One more reason democrats need to abolish the senate filibuster and seize the Supreme Court by adding additional liberal justices - all in an effort to abolish or significantly neuter the Second Amendment. What hasn't happened yet, is the erecting of scaffolds to hold those responsible to account.

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1st Amendment and 2nd Amendment. That's why I will likely hold my nose and vote for Trump even though he is a vain retard, easily beholden to people who flatter or fund him like insane Zionists.

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Absolutely, please hold your nose and vote. I myself am a single-issue voter at this point: NO NUCLEAR WAR. And Donald J. Trump is, however unexpectedly, but I am firmly convinced, the only thing standing between us and global conflagration.

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Good point at least he wants to stop the onrushing insane war with Russia, though he is very much in the Zionist’s grips about the bogeyman of Iran. There is no electable actual peace candidate. :-(

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So, the Mayor of NYC is being indicted for illegally taking foreign (in this case, Turkish) money. Yet Jimmy Dore did a nice video in which former President Trump brags about how good he was for Israel, and unwittingly says the Adelson's were in the Oval Office more than anyone. The Adelsons contributed hundreds of millions. AIPAC contributes tens of millions. What's the difference? Now, if Trump didn't do AIPAC/Israel's bidding, he would never have been President. Interesting, isn't it? Oh, one of the few people who is NOT an AIPAC puppet, Congressman Thomas Massie, R-KY. Well, his wife died rather suddenly this year. What a coincidence, eh?

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Trump was forced to sell his prized shiksa to the Kushners. At first, they told Ivanka she wasn't good enough for Jared. But they eventually came around when she renounced her Christianity. Then Trump let Charles run the country through Jared and the now-Jewess Ivanka.

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Your support of Iran is surprising. This is the same Iran that has set the goal to destroy us, is it not. The Iran that wants control of the Gulf to cut us off from Middle Eastern oil. The same Iran that wants a return of a powerful Persia to conquer the Middle East? The same Iran that subdues 50% of its people who want no part of the religious zealousy, the same Iran that has spent 20 years trying to develop nukes to aim at another country but really wants the ability to take down the Saudi states. Remember, one bomb on that oil terminal in the Gulf, destroys this country as it now is.

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Support of Iran, lol, Muzzies are number 2 on my shit list next to war mongering Jew neo-cons. Jews were run out of dozens of countries for over a thousand years for a reason. Stop murdering people to steal their land, and stop using usury to strip ordinary people of their assets. If you can't control your greed the pattern of history is going to repeat itself.

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I figured as much. Both sides of the Middle East are to blame for the debacle going on here. My point has always been that if I was to place odds in VeGas, I would bet on the Israelis. Think about Palestine itself. Canaanites, Philistines et al destroyed and displaced by the Hebrews under Joshua, the growth of the Hebrew state under Kings, the destruction of the Hebrew states (Israel and Judea) by first Assyria then Babylon, the Hebrew return, dominance by Alexander then Rome, destruction by Rome, diaspora, Takeover by the Ottomans, the Crusades and temporary takeover by the Christians from Rome, return to Islam under Saladin, domination by the Ottomans for hundreds of years, destruction of the Ottomans after WW1 and domination by Britain until 1948. Then takeover by the newly formed Hebrews called Zionists. Formation of the Israeli nation with still 26% Arab population.

My question, who deserves Palestine’s very important land and location? My answer? Whoever is willing to fight and die for it, as always.

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You aren't a "conservative," real conservatives with their roots in the middle ages realize Jews are a plague people, a parasite on any society that foolishly hosts them.

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What would happen if both sides just stopped?

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What would happen if Jews stopped being genocidal land thieves? Who is mass murdering an ethnic group for "lebensraum" now?

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A nuclear war is less likely to emanate from Russia than the middle east (though it is plausible that the US and Russia COULD use WMD in the Middle East). We are less likely (IMO) to have a US-Russia nuclear exchange if Trump becomes President, or US policy changes. The US precipitated the Ukraine war. Pull US/Western aid, and it is over in 2-3 weeks. That said, a second war (DON'T FORGET, the US nuked Japan, and planet earth did not end) using nuclear weapons will likely happen. Perhaps it will be a world war, which could mean cyber war, or sinking commercial ships, or "sleeper cells" activated; or it could be in the Near and Middle East and Africa. It is just a matter of when. We have the Middle East, with one nuclear-armed, irredentist nation which controls the US currently running roughshod over the native people. While the (televised--in Western alternative media and the Global South, but ignored by Fox News and US MSM, no surprise here) attempted destruction of the Palestinians is a monstrous crime against humanity, even if all the Palestinians were wiped out, 5 or 6 million or so, you are going to see death and destruction in the Near and Middle East on a much larger scale, in the not-too-distant future. Our internet and other links may go down, but THAT destruction our overlords will want us to see, so we will see it, and get the message. The economic fallout globally will likely be very bad.

--------- While irredentist Israel is the biggest factor and actor (or perhaps AGENT of the US, it is hard to tell some days), there are several other conflicts in the wider region poised to metastasize into wars. Israel is not the only irredentist. And like Israel and the Palestinians, other nations in the general area have irreconcilable differences that have very little to do with Palestine/Israel (though Israel does dabble in some, like Azerbaijan and Kurdistan, to keep certain countries off-balance). Here are some spots to watch: Israel-Syria-Kurdistan-Turkey. Ethiopia-Egypt/Somalia. Armenia-Azerbaijan. Cyprus/Greece-Turkey. Greece-Turkey. Kosovo/NATO-Serbia/Russia. Libya faction A-Faction B. And some US "allies" especially Egypt and Jordan--they are like France in 1794, their decadent corrupt leaders rule by force but could go the way of the Shah of Iran in 1979 any day. Even Saudi. Put all this stuff together. Today, in the above tense conflicts, we have situations where country A and country B are allies in one, and opponents in another! These conflicts could feed off each other. And quite possibly the biggest victim country, the biggest tree to fall, may be one which most of you would not guess.... IMO. And while radioactive fallout may not end life as we know it, the economic fallout from the possible suspension of oil from the Persian Gulf, or from radiation contamination of oil wells or shipping terminals in the middle east rendering them useless for a few centuries (that's right--Iran, or anyone, doesn't need "bombs". Just lob some nuclear waste here and there...) that WILL end economic life as we have known it. Trump is wrong on the middle east, which is the conflict that's going to drag us down. Even so, Mr Trump so frightens the establishment they tried lawfare, they tried to "off" him. The July 13 shooting is probably the biggest reason to vote for Trump, and perhaps the most compelling reason to vote. And the second attempt. But events are much bigger than he, or anyone else, is.

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One bozo on the other site thought that Hitler was taking orders from the Mufti. Netanyahu shows up here and gets standing ovations from Congress every sixty seconds or so. No doubt there were watchers in the balcony to see if anyone didn't stand. He and others Israelis have boasted of their control of the United States. There is little reason to doubt this. Believing otherwise is to be a bozo.

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Vote the Constitution party in the deep red or blue states to chastise the Republicans and Trump for slandering MAGA, but hold the nose and vote Trump in the swing states where it really matters.

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After the election, after the re-structure of the parties, the choices may be clearer.

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I suggest the Left’s moniker be the Know Nothing Party.

Oh darn, already been used.

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Yeah, I am in Michigan unfortunately, the ur swing state.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

What you offer as music makes Taylor Swift sound like Puccini. And you're going to hold your nose, and vainly label Trump a retard. SMH.

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09/27/24: Mr Kunstler's comparison of today in the USA to France in 1794 is perfect. I long ago noticed exactly the same thing. And I pray that the outcome is also exactly the same. The National Razor should be the fate of the Bidens, the Harris cabal, and all the rest of these scumbags who have disgraced us.

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"Peter the Great, His Life and World" by Robert K. Massie is excellent. A great investment in perspective on a people isolated...kinda like New Mexicans before New Mexico.

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It [the State] has taken on a vast mass of new duties and responsibilities; it has spread out its powers until they penetrate to every act of the citizen, however secret; it has begun to throw around its operations the high dignity and impeccability of a State religion; its agents become a separate and superior caste, with authority to bind and loose, and their thumbs in every pot. But it still remains, as it was in the beginning, the common enemy of all well-disposed, industrious and decent men. Henry L. Mencken, 1926.

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Well said. What we must realize is that the US is NOT a sovereign nation. It lost its sovereignty long ago--a milestone was the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 when the US became a vassal of the international globalist banking empire. The closest I have been able to characterize the US at present is as the military arm of the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire, an entity which is coming to its deserved end on the battlefields of Ukraine and Palestine. What comes next? Well, let's wait for the collapse of Zelensky and Netanyahu then reassess. At some point, I think we are looking at a carefully orchestrated attack by Russia and China on the Empire's flanks. What real patriots much now do is put together an outline of what America might become in the multipolar world that is on its way. The US is collapsing.

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Anglo-American-Zionist-French- Polish-German-Japan-Taiwan-Italian-Greece etc. Empire. One side as above, the other is BRICS+. BRICS+ is correct here, work on destroying the USA and the pyramid collapses. I do wonder what the WEF is thinking right now, do we let BRICS+ destroy the dollar or should we do it?

Agree with you 100% on the ??? Of what happens to the US and the world when the dollar goes up in smoke. Can the USA compete economically with BRICS+ after all the damage the Leftist Deep State has done to the country?

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The parallel to our current leadership situation was the crude agreement between the aristocrats in Europe 110 years ago that led them into The Great War. If one said, no we aren't going to war over an assassination that happen because of a wrong turn by the Archduke's carriage. If one said, the rest would have probably had a second thought. Even going to war, they thought it would last a month or so. The concentration of power inevitably leads to growing stupidity by those in power. They misunderstand every signal of concern and threat. We'll see, in our lifetime, one of these poorly equipped leaders press the button that starts a nuclear war. It will be just like the a century ago. Mistaken action that leads to genocide and degradation of the planet.

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Our contemporary Jacobins need not go to the trouble of setting up an execution machine in Times Square. They're working to outsource the Terror by lobbing enough missiles into Russian sites so Putin & Co. will have no other option than to respond in kind.

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To me, the worst element of the modern-day Terror is the utter unreliability of information. For the first month of the "pandemic," I heard what the media were advising us to do, and I thought I was going crazy, having dealt with pathogens for decades in EMS and as a nurse. Firmly established guidelines were ignored and conventional wisdom shot down. My colleagues, half of them, went along with the propaganda and lost my respect forever. And now I read journal articles with a critical edge that borders on paranoia. It is very unsettling. I just needed a heart procedure, and my trust deficit in the institutions made it a nerve-racking thing.

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The official response to the "pandemic," with all its hysteria and counter-sanity procedures (remember grocery stores with one-way aisles?) forced a lot of us to give up our belief in benign authorities and the wisdom of scientists.

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Agreed. There was a large public parking lot in San Diego, at a small lake, and every other parking space was cordoned off with tape and cones so cars could not park next to each other. Because Covid. That was probably the craziest thing I have seen.

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How about arrows setting one way aisles in stores?

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And remember the tape on the floor?! Oh my! When doctors become, in essence, salesmen and government "employees" the medical system has become extinct...it is something else.

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I went to my doctor for an exemption to the COVID "vaccine" because I once had a flu shot accelerate autoimmune hyperthyroidism (not to mention I distrusted the whole rationale and technical basis for the jab). This physician SMIRKED at me and said, "Well, I guess you'll just be working in the field (RN) a whole lot less, then." She was willing to give me an exemption if I had ever had an anaphyllactic reaction to a vaccine.

I fired her and eventually just signed a statement that I had a religious objection, which was my only option. The only reason I could get away with that was that my employer employed fewer than 50 persons.

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I love your spunk And heart. Take good care of both! from a rough person, rough building trades and at times using rough language "Lady in Training"

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Speaking of rough, I was shovel-fed the aspiration to get a degree and be a white-collar something, but I ended up in a rough trade, myself, dealing in flesh, blood, and other such effluvia. Dad was in manufacturing and construction. So my peeps are rough, and it's also why I find Trump endearing. He deals in the concrete realm, with land, with materials, with groups of ordinary, competent people. He builds stuff, unlike so many of our pols who shuffle paper and sell hot air. Democrats, cat ladies, wine moms, white dudes for Harris, bureaucrats and ivory tower types will be smug at their own peril, because we already dislike and disrespect them. Those of us who get stuff done, that is.

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You know as well as I do that the “pandemic” was a failure. A collapse of the world hospital system. Hospitals became a source of the spread of Covid. I was an RN for 17 years and know for a fact that the isolation capacity of the hospital system was never even explained as a source of the infection spread. In our hospital before the epidemic, one or at the most two rooms were outfitted for airborne disease, mostly TB. You know what a PIA working in that isolation setup was, n95 masks that had to seal, Negative airflow, separate entry areas, big time PPE, etc. I remember how long it took for the WHO to finally acknowledge that Covid was airborne. With that admission, the hospital isolation situation became impossible to deal with. Hospitals became a source of the spread of Covid instead of a refuge away from it. I would not be surprised that it was at this point that the Fauci crowd finally told the PTB, Trump included that the pandemic was out of control,

Which it was.

In retrospect, it would have been better for the treatment of Covid to be handled by the old fashioned quarantine procedures than putting them all in hospitals. Right here a reminder of the $40000 bonus per Covid patient probably is appropriate.

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One or two airborne isolation rooms, per floor. The scrubbing filtration for these rooms was very expensive.

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I have stepped down to working in a SNF, so that is where I rode out COVID. We had units where contagion spread, but not often, and not with much lethality. Nor did I ever catch it from a patient. (My son brought omicron home in `22).

We have had a 42-year struggle with TB in my region (my husband, nephew, and brother-in-law converted!), so I have had experience with respirators and positive-pressure rooms, but it was BARELY worse than suiting up in PPE during a COVID outbreak, which we are still mandated to do by CMS. That includes the perpetual face diaper and gowning up to enter a room. At this point, (and comparing it to other precaution protocols for influenza, etc.), I think this is just bureaucratic inertia and possibly a demoralization tactic. I am so ready to retire or just help people in my community in exchange for barter goods. I can always use eggs.

It's only getting stupider out there . . .

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Your webpage still seems to be down. Or at least not what it used to be. I miss eyesore of the month.

I was recently in Berlin and I realized that even the old Soviet architecture of East Germany is better than any buildings built today.

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We're in the process of rebuilding the old website and may lodge the whole of it here on this Substack. Patience. Lotta old archives to mess with.

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I would not go back to an outfit that allowed the hack and then did not support their service when compromised. Sub-stack seems to be a better site with more tools available.

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Holy moley! That IS bad!!

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I think Ol' Vlad's savvy enough to know just who it is that's causing all the problems in the world today and limit his ashtray production to a select few European capitals and hopefully London and DC and their environs. Would that then cause the blob and its' middle eastern associate/crime boss to respond recklessly in kind? That seems likely as well, but he might not have a choice in the matter. Let's hope his strikes are boldly preemptive and that cooler heads prevail at least temporarily in the immediate aftermath, so that we can then get on with the necessary business of relieving some of the people who have caused all this mess in the first place of their troubled heads.

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Some of the people? How do you remove the heads of all the globalist criminal groups that have created a monster in the USA with their invasion? First step is to burn down the MSM and its, not biased, but bigoted control of information in this country. Start with both the NYT and WaPo and MSNBC and CNN.

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A nuke on DC would solve a lot of the world's problems.

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Why not start with pulling the plug on the internet and GPS, and then see what comes of that?

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Yes, but he will pardon his cronies and then resign. Harris will become president and after cackling for 24 hours, she will appoint Hillary as vice president, then Harris will resign and Hillary will be president. Hillary will appoint Obama as vice president and then she will suspend the election because the United States is involved in a major war with Russia. Everybody needs to save lots of potatoes for that event

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57 mins ago·edited 52 mins ago

No. Harris will be President "for a day", then resign and Tim Walz will become President. That's my mournful guess. Otherwise why did the choose him for the Veep slot? If this happens we will see that the Blob ain't foolin' around. They mean "Business", and God help us!

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Yes, no doubt we'll all get shot with paint balls for any infractions, and I'm being totally serious.

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Putin said in 2016 that if Hillary became president, there would be war. So, if your scenario plays out, we're looking at war with Russia within the next year. Good thing they've already passed that draft resolution.

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Here are 43 quotations from Burke about the Revolution in France:


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Burke has a wonderful quote about our prejudices and how they define us and thus their absolute necessity. Of course one should be for one's race and nation first and foremost. Of course!

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Number 9 has application to the reparation issue.

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The Chaos Tornado keeps twisting, ripping, and wreaking havoc. The next month, maybe 3, is going to be the most chaotic, dangerous, and consequential in modern American history... maybe World history, if things go crazy enough.

"They" clearly want a war, maybe 2-3, just as cover in the media! Imagine that! A group willing to burn down the world, rather than act rationally.

I am 100% certain about one thing, and one thing only- They will NEVER, let Trump back into the White House! Election doesn't matter, they'll just fraud their votes again, or if he wins too big for that, claim that his votes were fraud, done by Russia, Iran, North Korea, China, and the ghost of Adolf Hitler! They will kill the internet, and the power grid if they have to. And they will certainly start a war, with another gigantic false flag style "attack" if they can come up with nothing else.

This is End Game! For them, for us, for both, maybe for the modern world, and every human on the planet.

They're pushing all of their chips to the middle of table, and attempting to win with a pair of deuces (or dunces), and if that doesn't work, they will flip the table.

Brace yourself and steel your spine, it's on like Donkey Kong, and nobody is coming out unscathed!

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Their desperation is driven by fear, not just of the temporal punishment awaiting them, but fear of their lives and that of their families. You don't give your allegiance to forces that guarantee you wealth, fame and fortune and then fail in your mission, and there are plenty of examples of those who do.

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In Dante's Inferno, didn't Satan say it was better to rule in hell than serve in heaven?

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Much of what you prognosticate is likely. Esp. the part about Trump.

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Who is in charge of the clattering train?

The axles creak, and the couplings strain.

For the pace is hot, and the points are near,

and Sleep hath deadened the driver’s ear:

And signals flash through the night in vain.

Death is in charge of the clattering train!”

Churchill was fond of quoting this portion of Edward Milliken's poem, The Clattering Train

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Democracy “survived” under Trump 45? It thrived! Taxes went down, more people got real jobs, not worthless gubmint jobs, the world quieted down, as did the USA. Decrepit election techniques and consequent cheating were exposed and an actual protest group took over the Capitol in an attempt to get the rotten Deep State to listen to the obvious corruption of the 2020 election. Allowing the Dems to win in 2020 has given us such a charge towards dictatorship it will be difficult to recover democracy from the grave Biden’s mob has dug for it.

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Firstly, we aren't a democracy.

Someone denied National Guard presence.

Someone stoked the crowd, and opened those magnetic doors at the capitol.

Someone set up the pipe bomb nonsense as plan B.

So that no questions would be raised and nothing would be "on the record", therefore "no standing" in court.

See how that works?

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Do I smell a Pelosi rat in the room, or a Cheney rat, or Kinzinger rat? Does anybody seem to realize that the RINOs anti-Trump movement is an attempt to get the Bush-Cheney-McCain crowd back in control of the GOP. To reawaken the dynasty? I watched the McCain, Flake, Cheney group try to take over the government from Trump. This group is so rabid to stop Trump that they have joined their arch-enemies on the far Left.

IMHO, as I have stated before, I think that two new parties are emerging from this election season, the first centered on the Birney Sanders, Elizabeth Warren Far Left socialistic or even Marxist dogma that includes now the anti-Trump Far Right with destruction of Trump as the primary goal. The second is a Moderate Right group centered on Trump now but bringing in a new corps of Moderate Democrats who are scared to death of the Far Left Mob. The shift Left of both political poles results in the changes we see in the country. Go MAGA, beat the government control nuts.

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Anti-Trump far right? You mean patriots who hold their nose to vote for this blowhard? Ok, I agree with you then.

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No disagreement here. I was simply clarifying what went on with the capitol event.

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And I was just trying to put a name on it. Or names.

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The central bank of central banks is always in charge.

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Read the book 'Tower of Basel' (2013). Few politicians even seem to understand how the banking system works. If they did, they might want to reform it.

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It's a great book. I wish more people read it.

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Perfection! Few have captured this better. No one has done so with as much relish!

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